It feels a little unreal that I am even sitting here typing this. The reality that my Grandfather passed away on Monday hasn’t even sunk in. So I’m typing this in a bit of a fog. Wondering what to write and how to pay proper tribute to a man that was more than just a great man. Cliff Stewart was more than just my Grandfather – he was my hero. And I will miss him every single day.

I am so sorry for your loss! ;( *hugs*
My grandpa is 83, and as much as I’d like to think that he is immortal, I’m realizing more and more that that just isn’t the case. It sounds like your grandpa was wonderful, and that you had a close relationship with him, much like I do with mine. I will say a prayer for you today. Look to the Lord….he will give you peace.
Erin, I’m so sorry to read or your great loss. How awesome that you have soo many precious and sweet memories to wrap your heart around! May the good Lord help you keep those memories close, and may He cover you with His amazing grace in the days ahead.
I’m so sorry for your loss too. I never knew any of my grandparents except one grandmother and we were never close. I envy anyone who has wonderful stories like this to tell of their own grandparents! How lucky you were to have him in your life and your children’s lives! I know this must be a difficult time for you and your family. Hope it helps to know others are thinking of you and sending comfort from afar. 🙂 – Karen
So very sorry for your great loss. Your grandparents are beautiful!! May God comfort you in this time of sorrow.
How blessed you are to have these wonderful people in your life, even if it’s not for as long as you would have hoped. What an amazing gift! My love, prayers and thoughts are with you and your family as you go through this difficult time.
Erin, I’m so sorry for your loss. Grandpa’s are very very special, and your kids are so lucky to have known their great grandpa. HUGS to you and your family, and may God comfort you all.
Oh I am very sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for your loss.
So very sorry to hear about your grandfather. Mine passed 5 years ago in March and I still cry a little nearly every day. It sounds like you were blessed to have him in your life. Hugs to your family from mine.
This is just so sad to read 🙁 I really feel for you – I lost my grandpa a few years back and it’s horrible, there really isn’t anything to say to ease the pain. Sending you love from across the water in Scotland, from an avid reader of your blog xxx
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your grandfather. He sounds like a wonderful man. I hope that your special memories of him bring you comfort. My thoughts and prayers are with your and your family.
I’m so sorry for your loss, Erin. It’s so difficult to lose someone so dear to you. Thinking of you, XO Sue
P.S your grandparents sure made a good-looking couple!
I am sorry for your loss. What a great tribute you created. What an amazing man. Thinking of you and your family. Sending lots of hugs!!
My deepest sympathies. Sending cyberhugs your way.
Sorry For your loss, I have lost all my grandparents as well, and my kids have lost their grandfather. It is no fun growing up and losing these special people.
I am so sorry about your loss, but on the other hand you are so blessed that you had him in your life for so long. I lost my grandparents quite early and didn’t have the chance to enjoy so many adult moments with them.
What a lovely tribute to your grandfather. I am sorry for your loss, Erin.
That was beautiful! What a kind, sweet soul, that he obviously passed along to you! 🙂 Take care!
I am sorry to hear about the passing of your grandfather. God Bless, Abby
I was so sad to read about your loss. What a beautiful tribute you’ve given him in words, and I know you’ll pass along the legacy he left for you.
i am so sorry for your loss. both my grandfathers passed when i was young. my grandmother Petra(fathers mother) passed away about 7 yrs ago and my grandmother Rosie(mothers mother) is going strong. i pray that your grandmother stays strong!!