Creativity for Kids Review (Sponsor Spotlight)

There is nothing I enjoy more than crafting with my kids. Baking comes in a close second but crafting if for sure my number one.  I love watching my kids faces.  It’s almost like I can see their little minds working as they piece things together or paint.  And nothing pleases me more than watching them create something and then see the joy on their faces when they are so proud of themselves!
Creativity for Kids is a craft line that I’m sure most of you have heard of.  They make the coolest kits!  We are very familiar with so many of them.  You might recognize some of these kits:
Create Your Own Glitter Gloss (my daughter says “yes, please.”)  =o)
Make Your Own Cupcake Soaps (I say “Yes, please.”)  =o)
BFF Flower Bracelets
Do Art Pottery Studio (which looks like so much fun!)
To name just a few.  The selection and variety is amazing!  And they don’t just have crafting kits for girls.  There are plenty of kits for boys too, including:
Shrinky Dinks Alien Invasion
Color Changing Robot Light
Planets – Create a Solar System Model (to name just a few.)
It took us hours (seriously!) to pick out which craft kits we wanted to review.  And it wasn’t because they couldn’t find one they wanted.  It was because each of my kids had a list of about 20 kits they wanted.  To narrow it down to just one was pure torture for them.
My son really wanted to try the Ancient Egypt kit.  Is this about the coolest thing you’ve ever seen?
He was so excited when it arrived.  And the great thing about this kit – there’s so many different things to do, make and paint that it’s not something that he sat down and finished in one day.  I really like that about a craft kit.  It’s it’s so quick and easy, it’s over in 30 minutes and then they look at me and say “that was easy.”
The Ancient Egypt kit came with a make your own mummy and then you get to paint the sarcophagus.
You get to create organs with the coolest clay I’ve ever felt!  It was like foam.  I’m a little miffed at myself for not taking pictures past this point.  We kind of got into it and forgot. 
And you get to decorate and paint four canopic jars to put your organs in.  My daughter thought all of this was a little gross but my son absolutely loved learning all the fun facts about ancient Egypt and mummies.   (On the directions there are facts to read about.)
We loved this kit and are still working on it!
My daughter wanted to try a new line that Creativity for Kids has, their Sew Cute Sock Puppy
She loved the pink socks and wanted to learn how to sew.  I’m not a seamstress.  Far from it, in fact.  So I was a little nervous about trying it.  The kit was self contained.  It came with everything you need, down to the scissors.  We loved that!  And the directions were easy to read and follow.
Creativity for Kids has four different animals in their Sew Cute Series of sock animals.  Aren’t they adorable?
 Poppy, the Sew Cute Sock Puppy was introduced in February 2012 at the Annual American International Toy Fair.  The Parent’s Choice Awards recognized the craft kit as a 2012 Fun Stuff Award Winner!
I think my daughter (who is 7) was a little young for this kit.  Trying to hold everything and sew at the same time kind of scared her.  But she did help out with the stuffing and critiquing my sewing skills along the way.
Even though she didn’t do most of the sewing, she loved it.  She takes her little sock puppy to bed with her and told me “I’m going to save this forever Mommy.  Because you and I made this.”  My heart melted! 
Where can you find Creativity for Kids?  They are on Facebook and Twitter.
Do you want to win these two kits to do with your children?  Come back on September 17th when we kick off the Keeping Kids Creative Giveaway Hop!
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  1. Those look like really fun craft kits. Even for grown up kids.

    Your kids certainly seem to be enjoying it.

    I like that they last more than 30 minutes. It wouldn’t hardly be worth it if it was over that fast.

    I may have to get some for my grandbabies.

  2. This looks like SO much fun! Your kids are having a blast. Thanks for sharing.

    Bobbie Anne

  3. I WANT A KIT! I’m such a kid at heart, but I love to see what is being marketed to kids to help them learn and grow mentally these days. I may indulge myself with a kit or two, just for fun!

  4. We love Creativity for Kids. We have so many of their products. H loves to make the necklaces!

  5. The cupcake soaps look like a bunch of fun. Also, that sock puppy is adorable. 🙂

  6. the sock puppy is just the cutest! great ideas for gifts for my nieces & nephews

  7. I love the creativity for kids crafts!! we buy them all the time for the kids! I didn’t knwo about the glitter gloss one – i think that would be fun for our girl scout group!

  8. There are so many wonderful craft kits out there. I see so many of them that I know my grandkids would love. The kits are great for everyone – fun and everything is bought all right there so you don’t get home and realize you forgot to buy jiggly eyes to make your sock puppet.


  9. Those kits look like great fun. I might even enjoy a few for myself. 😛

  10. i now little girl who like the dog one i have to give to her for hildiay