Kitchen Tools Made Just for Kids

I love kitchen gadgets. No, wait. Let me try that again … I LOVE KITCHEN GADGETS! I love everything about them. I probably need to go to a 12 step program for it but I don’t care. I love going into kitchen shops and finding new gizmos or gadgets and then trying them out. I have all the usual things, a blender and Kitchen Aid mixer (which I love), ice cream maker and pasta roller (everyone has a pasta roller, right???) I have a bazillion cookie cutters and different shaped cake pans. You never know when you’re going to need a ravioli press, right? And is it strange that I have 8 different waffle makers? Hey, maybe I won’t feel like a Mickey Mouse waffle one morning and want a Snoopy one or Tigger and Pooh or Scooby Doo. Right? A girls gotta have her options.

But when I was in a kitchen store last weekend and came across Head Chefs, Cool Tools for Kids, I about freaked. How cool are these?!?!

The arms and legs are bendable so the kids can move them around to help with their grip (or just play with them.) And the feet have suction cups on them so they stand up on the counter.

They have a bunch of different tools for kids to help out in the kitchen with. We bought the purple stirring spoon and the blue turner. But of course I want them all =o) My kids already love to help me in the kitchen but with these, what child wouldn’t want to become a chef for a day?!

And if you’re reading this and thinking “what in the world am I going to do with these things?” Just check out their website. They have recipes and games and coloring pages to print out.

And look at this cute silverware…

So is it just me or are these great?

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  1. It’s not just you…these are great. And the bendable arms and legs are perfect for little hands. I want some for myself. I’m off to check out the website.

  2. These are a hoot! I love them. They definitely will make cooking with mom even more fun. I do not have a pasta roller. I wish I did, though. I also love kitchen gadgets!

  3. Those are awesome!!!!! I MUST HAVE THOSE!!!!!!!!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What’s for Dinner

  4. These are adorable! I’m not sure my kids would stop playing with them long enough to eat though.

  5. What cute stuff! I bet your kids have lots of fun in the kitchen helping you!

  6. They are awesome!!

  7. Those are super cute! They make me sad that I no longer have kids in the kitchen. I’m not sure I can justify buying them for myself. šŸ™‚

  8. they are too cute, I love kitchen things too. Disneyland also carries Kitchen gadgets, love them too. Almost every time we go, I’ll visit their kitchen supplies store to see if they have new things. Their pankcake mold is one of my favorites with the Mickey outline.

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    Kitchen Equipment