I can’t believe I have 100 followers (okay, a couple more than that now. I was a little slow out of the gate with this post.) When I started talking about doing a blog it was one of those “it’ll give me something to do. No one will ever read it” things. I am so thrilled you all stop by and want to read what I have to say. Okay, maybe you don’t want to read what I have to say… but you look at my lamo pictures and are interested in what we are doing/creating/making/etc. I am thrilled!
So, I said giveaway right? I figured I’d better do something fun to celebrate this occassion. And what better way to celebrate than with chocolate, right?!?!
There’s a lot of posts out there using the new M&M flavors. Oh sure, there’s the original:
They are pretty darn delicious!
But then they came out with these:
I LOVE the peanut M&Ms. I can eat them by the handful. (But isn’t that how you are supposed to eat them? Someone please agree with me.) These M&Ms make me very:

Good luck!
What a fun little giveaway! I’ve never seen(or heard about) the peanut butter&jelly variety. CONGRATS on 100+ followers! Isn’t blogging fun?!? 🙂
YUM! I love M&Ms and so does my little monkey. I have to say that the plain old M&Ms are my all time fav, but we tried the pretzel ones the other day and they were A-MAZING!
I even tried to use M&Ms as a bribe to use the potty, but found myself sneaking some here and there and the bag disappeared!
Congrats on 100+ followers!! I didn’t even know M&Ms made some of those flavors, I’m off to the store soon and will have to see if they have them in my area!
Here’s my extra post! I have recently started having my 3 year old tell me stories as I type them up for her. I have started making a book for her with the stories that she tells me. Now, mind you, she is only 3 and that imagination of hers is a little out there and her thoughts jump from one thing to another. Check out her story at:
What a fun giveaway lol! Congrats on your 100+ followers, how exciting!
I love seeing all the creative things you do with your kids so keep the ideas coming! Congrats on 100+ followers! I haven’t tried the PB&J M&M’s but I absolutely LOVE all the other flavors. Great idea for a giveaway.
Love the pretzel ones!! Just added you to my blog feed and I love the site!
I know this is a local thing that we do with the kids, but you might have one in your area. It’s cheap and gives us something to do when it’s either rainy or super hot.
I love the Peanut Butter and Jelly ones.
Yummy!!! I love all of those! My new favs are the pretzel ones! How fun is this give away? Keep up the fun blog! My kids and I LOVE IT!!!
mmmm…the new pretzel m&m’s are my new fav right behind original and peanut butter…you have such fun activities!
2nd entry…anything for more m&m’s
You have probably seen/done this activity before, but here it is…
Peanut butter and the coconut ones, I have tried. Very yummy.
Love the peanut butter kind and am excited to try the strawberry/peanut butter kind. Thanks for the chance!
I totally need to win this because I am starting back to school soon and I need to restock my chocolate drawer! 🙂
Yea! I love giveaways!
Coconut!?! Are you kidding? I’ve never heard of any of those – they sound sooooo good – it’s probably just as well I’ve never come across them 🙂
Congrats! I think this is such an awesome giveaway! I sure don’t need them, but I really want them!!!
Yum!! Who doesn’t love m&m’s!! I just found your blog about a month ago and I love it!!
Ooohh! Yummy! M&M’s are mine and my daughter’s favorite candy! Hope I win!
Congrats on 100 followers, that is awesome!!!! I am loving those Pretzel M&M’s…so good!!!!
I am having a giveaway on my blog for 50 followers…but no one wants my blog candy. 🙁 Thanks for the chance to win yours!!!! 🙂
Oh, I hope I win this one!!!! I love your blog and all your fun ideas!!!
Here a website that has a lot of summer time activities for kids. My kids really enjoyed doing this one. http://eighteen25.blogspot.com/2010/07/stay-cool.html
Sounds yummy! What a good idea for a little give away to keep everyone coming 🙂 Although you don’t need to do that because I know everyone loves reading your stuff as much as I. Thanks!
Congrats Erin on 100 followers! Your blog is wonderful, up beat, and loads of fun:) I love M&M’s too, and yes, I do eat them by the handful. I just recently tasted the pretzel ones and they are awesome. Actually, I don’t think there is an M&M I don’t like..lol
YUM! I love mnms and honestly never heard of PB and J!! I need them 🙂
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com
Congrats on 100+ followers! I want to win…so…so…bad! I am an M&Maholic too! 🙂
I hit 100 followers this week too! I thought the same thing, who would ever read this. Congratulations, I know exactly how you feel right now, it is a huge milestone.
100 readers…Congrats.
I absolutely love your blog! I’m so glad I stumbled upon it!
There’s nothing better than an M&M
Peanut butter and jelly M&M’s-mmmmm, they sound amazingly delicious.
Bet they would make a great cupcake cake.
I love M&Ms. I’m allergic to peanuts so I miss out on a lot of those flavors, but I definitely have people who are willing to “help” me with that problem LOL
congrats on your followers, I’ve reached a milestone and am super excited too. Thanks for hopping with me at iFiH
Christy Home-Mom.com
christyhayhurst at hotmail dot com
we love to cook together, baking cookies is one of the easiest things I can get the kids to help me with. They put the choc chips on top of the cookies, counting to four with each one. They were delish!
Christy Home-Mom.com
christyhayhurst at hotmail dot com
How fun! Our Walgreens has the coconut but I haven’t spied the PB&J or the pretzel varieties yet!
Ooooh, I want to enter! I’m a candy addict who has been binging on gummy bears and Red Vines all weekend – help feed my addiction! 🙂
Another entry, you say? My fun family activity post is here:
Quick, easy smores, anyone?
i’m a new follower and i love your blog. i’m only 17 but the recipes and some of the kids activities are still good for me 😉
we only have the plain and peanut variety in england, and i love those nevermind these amazing flavours! 🙂
here’s a couple of ideas for fun things for kids from trey and lucy http://treyandlucy.blogspot.com/2010/06/today-at-our-house.html
I think this is the coolest giveaway I have ever seen. I love it! Thanks for being my biggest fan!
I didn’t even know M&Ms made some of those flavors. This is a fabulous giveaway. And congratulations on 100 followers.
Yum! Thanks for the giveaway! I love, love, love peanut butter M&Ms. I like to think I’m a person with a reasonable amount of willpower, but when it comes to peanut butter M&Ms…well, forgetaboutit!
Oh, love your blog and congrats on 100 followers. I’m one now one too!
wow! I didn’t even know they made some of those flavors! I would love to try them!
I gotta love a good ole peanut M&M, Peanut Butter are fabulous too, but… The pretzel M&M’s are a new favorite of mine! YUMMMM!
Here is a link to some of the crafts I’ve done with my kids the past few months: http://munchkinfarm.blogspot.com/2010/04/spring-crafts-and-projects.html
ironic that i live in hawaii and can’t find the coconut one.
4t.atou at gmail dot com
i’m trying this out today with my kiddos!
4t.atou at gmail dot com