Normally by now I’ve posted a few Thanksgiving fun food recipes. Apparently I’m a little slow this year. I can’t believe this is our first (and only one!) But it is a fun one. How cute are these little guys? I thought my kids would have a great time making these. I bought all the […]
I pinned this recipe quite some time ago and put it into my “Fun Food Ideas” board. I mean, seriously, of course I was going to make it. They are adorable! And with the movie Turbo coming out, I figured it was the perfect time to surprise my kids. My son wants to see Turbo badly. […]
Happy 4th of July everyone! What are you doing tonight? I’m going to hope I don’t fry my eyebrows while I watch the amazed looks on my kids face as the fireworks go off. They love fireworks. Well, not the loud ones. =o) When I saw these adorable Corn Dog Cookies over on Sue’s blog, […]
In keeping with our fun food theme we made these cute sloppy Joe cars. What do you think? (You didn’t miss our other fun food posts, did you? Octodogs and Shells, Aliens for dinner and our Squiddlers.) These were simple to make and will be a big hit with the kids. You will need: * […]
I was feeling pretty guilty about my lack of party creativity for my daughter. The necklaces were pretty cute and I knew the girls would think they were fun but I was feeling bad for the boys. Plus I have this whole over-acheiver thing that I deal with. I have a hard time settling for […]
For Halloween do you do silly fun or gory? We always do silly fun but I do like a little bit of the gross. So when I saw these cupcakes over on Pinterest (my new love) from Cakehead Loves Evil I knew we had to make them. Totally cool, right?!?! We made stained glass candy […]
You’re going to think this is either gross or totally cool. Or maybe a little bit of both. Either way, it’s perfect for Halloween! And my kids thought it was totally grossly cool! Sloppy Joe Intestines! Or maybe it’s Sloppy Joe Colon. But that sounds too gross, even for me. I found the idea here […]
Do your kids watch iCarly on Nickelodeon? My kids love it. One of the things that Spencer (one of the characters) makes is spaghetti tacos. My kids have been asking me to make them for some time but I just never did. They didn’t sound all that appetizing to me. Spaghetti in a taco shell? […]
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Love it!
I hope there are not cooties in that
I am hosting a giveaway over at Sassy Sites. Come on by and join in on the fun! We would love to have you!
HAHA Fantastic!
Wow what a name!
Kimberley Meier
momof3chaos at gmail dot com
LOL!! Why does “Dukes of Hazzard” come to mind?!