It’s her big birthday celebration so there are guest posts all day! Come help her celebrate!
It’s her big birthday celebration so there are guest posts all day! Come help her celebrate!
I had all these grand plans to do great things this Easter. Some of them got done but a lot of them are still in my “to do” pile. Crud. At 6am when I was getting ready to pack my kid’s lunch for school I remembered I wanted to pack their lunch a little differently. […]
Here is an easy and fun treat for the kids. They didn’t turn out as cool as I had hoped. I think it was because there was so many bubbles in our 7 Up. But the kids didn’t seem to mind. PrintGummy Bear Popsicles Ingredients7 Up Gummy BearsInstructionsLet your 7 Up sit out for […]
We had so much fun making our Turkey Cookies with Nutter Butters that we wanted to make another Thanksgiving cookie. I think this one turned out much cuter than the other Turkey Cookies! I mean seriously, look at these little guys. too cute! I used the candy eyes which are my new favorite thing to […]
Happy 4th of July everyone! What are you doing tonight? I’m going to hope I don’t fry my eyebrows while I watch the amazed looks on my kids face as the fireworks go off. They love fireworks. Well, not the loud ones. =o) When I saw these adorable Corn Dog Cookies over on Sue’s blog, […]
One of the best things I’ve done with my kids is taking them camping. I was a little afraid the first time we went. It was just me and my two, very young, children. We had so much fun. Now, 5 years later, it’s the highlight of our summer when we go camping. We load […]
I have a little thing about vampires. I was about to write “I’m embarrassed to say” but I’m not. What the heck. I’m obsessed. I said it. Seriously, I am. It all started with the Twilight books and has gone a little out of control since. =o) If you need to know a good book […]
My kids and I watch a craft show every Saturday morning called Donna’s Day. Have you heard of it? It’s fantastic. She does crafts and recips and all sorts of great things for you to do with your kids. Some of them are awesome. Some of them are for the more Martha Stewart Mom’s out […]
I was feeling pretty guilty about my lack of party creativity for my daughter. The necklaces were pretty cute and I knew the girls would think they were fun but I was feeling bad for the boys. Plus I have this whole over-acheiver thing that I deal with. I have a hard time settling for […]
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OMG! Look at all that fudge. Yum!!
I found McCormick’s Rootbeer Flavoring at the Winco in McMinnville, it was $5.15