My daughter’s pre-school class has been learning Japanese all year. It’s so cool to hear her speak and she is so proud when she comes home and tells me the new words she has learned. At the school’s Spring Fling Bar-B-Que her class sang “Jesus Loves Me” in Japanese! In Japanese!!! She’s 5 years old! […]
Happy 4th of July everyone! What are you doing tonight? I’m going to hope I don’t fry my eyebrows while I watch the amazed looks on my kids face as the fireworks go off. They love fireworks. Well, not the loud ones. =o) When I saw these adorable Corn Dog Cookies over on Sue’s blog, […]
My Mom called me the other day and asked if I would bring a fruit tray to the family gathering we were having. To me, this was an open invitation for some fruit creativity. I mean, I could have just sliced up some fruit and plopped it on a plate. But really??? That’s not how […]
I know today is November 1st and Breast Cancer Awareness month was October but I just had to share this one with you. Plus today is “Wear Pink” day at my school. So, of course I had to bring cookies to help celebrate! And not just any cookies… Mammo-graham cookies. Ha! Get it?! Mammo – […]
I’ve decided that I’m a little bored with cooking. I make the same basic things for dinners and I’m getting tired of it. Dinner should be fun, right? So that’s our new theme for the summer. Fun food! So we bought a couple of fun kid’s cookbooks. This is the first thing we made – […]
I think I should just rename my blog “All the ideas I steal from Family Fun”. Seriously. Because whenever we get the magazine we all look through it and say “Oh, we have to make that!” about a million times. This was no exception. We had to make this, of course. I mean really… hot […]
The aliens are coming! The aliens are coming! I told you that I was going to make dinner time more fun and exciting. How fun is this idea?!?! My kids loved it! This idea came from the cookbook Just For Kids Collection. (If you missed my Octo-Dog post you MUST check it out here!) Here’s […]
Meatloaf and mashed potatoes are comfort food to me. I love them! My kids love them! And I love that my kids love them! But I wanted to kid it up a little. (We eat meatloaf a lot.) So I made my regular meatloaf. It’s nothing uber fancy. I buy the spice packet at the […]
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that is just so fun, I can see doing it will all different colours too:)
What a cute idea!
i agree this is very cute and cinda funny at the same time
This is just so very clever. I pinned it today so I can use it next year to treat the teachers on my team. thanks for sharing!
That is such a cute idea! I’m instantly thinking of “green” for St. Patty’s Day and “red” for Valentines… love that everything INSIDE the orange bag is orange too!
That is a very cute idea, and YES, I’m glad it’s summer! Also, I happen to really love orange anything. Even orange-scented furniture polish. lol
Love this, it is so cute, hugs Cathy K
What a cute and clever idea!!
Oh these are too cute!! What a clever, fun idea! Thanks for linking it up to TGIF. If you have a moment I’d love your vote in Circle of Moms Top 25 Homeschooling blogs ( – Thanks!!
Oh My Goodness…this is too cute!
I would love for you to link this to my Flaunt It Friday link party at Blissful Bucket List. We also have a great giveaway this week!
This is simply darling. I’m pinning this right now so I don’t forget for next year.
Hello Erin,
Love this DIY gift idea! Perfect for summertime, especially since we live in Florida. Thanks for the inspiration.
Smiles, Paula
Cute… I might have to use the idea… with some sparking orange juice, small oranges, and orange fruit leathers
I love this idea! I just pinned it, thanks for linking!
Anyone have any other ideas for other fillers? Looking for a little thank you for son’s summer school teacher. Maybe chocolates and movie gift card??
found you on pinterest and i am now your newest follower on GFC. love your blog – great ideas!!
if you’d like to connect, I’d love for you to stop my blog too 🙂
Love it! I pinned this 🙂
This is just too cute! You’re so creative 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout!
FANtastic idea and perfect printable.
Darn cute! My kids would love it – it is their favorite knock knock joke!
What a fabulous idea! Thanks for sharing at The Sunday Showcase. 🙂
Very cute idea!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!! I hope you will also considering linking it up to my Teacher Gifts Link Party. Thank you!!
Erin, Super cute! Thanks for sharing on Saturday Show & Tell at Cheerios and Lattes last weekend! We love having you join us and hope to see you again this weekend! See you soon!
Mackenzie 🙂
Such good material on here. I cannot wait to start teaching this fall and making memories with my kiddos!
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Excellent and very nice idea!
What a great piece of idea. I am impressed by these. thanks for sharing.
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How clever!
What a great idea!
What a wonderful gift this makes! I can’t ever think of things like this. Thanks!
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Such a cute gift idea! Thanks for sharing at our Kitchen Fun & Crafty link party!:)
super cute. i wish i had thought of this when my kids were young. maybe something for the grandkids!
This is such a cute idea. I see ideas like these every once in awhile but I never remember them when they are needed. Thanks!
very cute a very nice idea to suprise everyone and the kids would love it
what a great idea!! thank you!
This is so cute! Good summer gift for anyone that you care about.
This is a very fun idea. I would have never thought of something like this. Guess I know what to do next year. Great idea!!!
Cute idea! Original and fun 🙂
What a great idea and how cute they turned out. Wish I read this before my grandson finished for the year. Would have been great for his teachers.
What a lovely idea! I will make some to use as hostess gifts. Thanks for sharing!
Great Idea! Such a simple and easy way to make someone super happy 😀
What a great idea for a teachers gift.
Such a fun idea! So many possibilities. 🙂
This is such a terrific idea and a really fun gift to give to a teacher and other people that make our lives easier! I like the color orange all working together!
I love it. I’m a teacher and I would love receiving this gift.
What a great idea! I am always looking for new ways to brighten my grandson’s days. His favorite color is blue, and I will have so much fun seeking out cute, inexpensive items to surprise him with!
Oh my gosh! That’s so cool and a great idea. What a fun thing to do for a party. I might do this for my neices just because I love them.Thank you for the great post 🙂
Have a good weekend 🙂
This is a very cute idea with the orange color and saying. Would be great for party gifts for the kids . thanks for the idea.
this is really nice. these are so cute. thanks for the chance.
This is a cute idea and I can see it spreading to other colors. I hope you “red”,etc.
Thank you thats and entertaining way to do things all orange in color and flavor. Thank you, Jerri Davis
wow what a great idea, that would be so awesome for my work, thanks you so much for an awesome idea
What a great idea for party favors for both adults and children! I never think of such cute and creative things. These little treat bags bring back memories of childhood for adults, and kids will simply go nuts over their favorite treats.
That is a really cute idea, but giving gifts w/food always “worry” me due to all the new and crazy diets and only eating organic, gluten free, etc.
what a cute idea! I haven’t had Orange Crush in a while – it’s perfect for a summer thirst quencher!
These are such a great deal and I like them.
This is such a good idea!! My kids would love doing this also!
What a cute idea, I will have to remember this gift for the end of school next year.
Very cute! It’s be a perfect neighbor gift.
This is just too adorable! What a great idea for a teacher’s gift to show them that they are appreciated. Thank you for sharing this.
I love these!! They are so cute. I always like to do something a little different for gifts. I also think homemade gifts are the best because they show you put some thought into them. Thanks for sharing!
Such a cute idea and a really nice way to show someone that helps you that you care. I would love to get another color for the 4th, and give out these type of bags at the family picnic. So cute!
I love this idea with the play on the color words. Have the child make one for someone he/she upset in yellow. Please don’t “yell-ow ” at me . I shall be good!
This is perfect for summer getaway.
I love this gift idea! I would never have though of this on my own!
You could do these with fun little things for your kids to celebrate the beginning of summer break too 🙂
I’ve never thought of a color themed gift before. Great idea!
I like the bags of Orange Cheetos and I like the color of all the products to give. I could try a different color for different occasions.
These are a great idea. You could kind of play up different themes. You could get yellow bag and do “You are my Sunshine” theme. Great easy gift.
This is a cute idea. But you could also use this idea for other stuff, ie different colors, different shaped items (square,etc). This would be a great idea for younger kids to learn when shopping how to place things in the color bags based on the color of the items, or the shapes of the items.
What a fun idea with lots of orange things . I never would have thought of this summer time idea – thanks so much
I love this ! What a great idea!
What an original and CUTE ideaa! I’d be thrilled to get that from someone just for fun!!!
In an orange bag one can also place orange fruits.
This is such a great idea, the possibilities are endless!!
I love the idea, very creative. I think I will make one for the young man who delivers my newspaper .. he will appreciate it.
I love this idea and would love to see other fruit themes!
This is a great idea! I was trying to think of something to give my daughters teacher & a few other people that wouldn’t cost me too much money. This is what I’m gonna do! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
I really like how simple this is. It would also be great for Christmas. You could do a combo of red and green items. How Fun!!
This is such a great idea to give to others who have been a great help during the year. Teachers would love to get this for a gift at the end of the year.
Adorable idea!!!
I think that this is a great idea and gift that would make the recipient smile.
Great idea! I might use this for yellow colour as a gift of sunshine to someone who is feeling down too.
What a cute idea too bad I don’t get the summer off, now that would be nice.
Awesome idea
These are seriously cute. I like that the kids can do them.
This is so much fun – “Orange” you glad that I am commenting!
cute idea, however dont like shasta …..catchy phrase
This is so cute! The Orange you glad it’s summer time, reminds me of the knock knock joke.
This is such an easy, yet sure-to-please item to make for anyone who should be given a gift.
That is a very good idea! thanks for sharing
Love how easy, original, and cute this is. Plus, it’s a gift you can customize some for different people’s taste. My son would want the orange slice candy and cheetos while his wife would rather have oranges and mangoes.
I love your gift idea! You can even go with different colored bags/items for the specific occasion. Thanks for the great share.
” ITs already mine “
I think that this would also be a fun gift with summer things in it to give to kids.
There is nothing better then homemade gifts. Super cute!
i love it! what an awesome gift this would make. its a great color as well!!
Love it!
Since I read this post with the creative gfift idea I keep on thinking about what else to add to the bag. For kids there are a lot of orange fruits and vegetables. You could ask them to find them to put in the bag.
awesome idea! love it!
Neat idea…lucky teachers!
This is a really neat idea! Noted for the near future!
such a good and cute idea! thanks for the idea!
What orange items does the Dollar Store have that aren’t junk food?
what an adorable idea! I like the “orange you glad it’s summer”, so clever.
Love the idea. I guess you could pick a color and try and be creative.
I Love the idea. I guess you could pick a color and try and be creative.
This gift idea looks very cute. Thanks for sharing!
Omg lol the care package must have for all hunters!
Thanks for the super cute idea! I found orange tubs to put all the “orange” items in at the Dollar Tree. I am filling ours with Sunkist soda, goldfish crackers, Reese’s, nail polish, post-it notes, and gum.
Perfect! What fun summer ideas! Thanks for leaving a comment and so glad you liked the idea.