I have a confession to make. You know those little recipe books that you always see in the check out stand? They are usually themed – Halloween, Christmas, cookies, crockpot recipes. You know the ones. I am addicted to them. Yep, I said it out loud. I love them. I love looking through them and […]
My kids and I watch a craft show every Saturday morning called Donna’s Day. Have you heard of it? It’s fantastic. She does crafts and recips and all sorts of great things for you to do with your kids. Some of them are awesome. Some of them are for the more Martha Stewart Mom’s out […]
To continue our April Fools Day fun food extravaganza, we have a simple but fun one for you today – Peanut Butter Potstickers. They don’t totally look like potstickers, but my kids didn’t care. They loved them. And they were so simple to make. Thanks Party Pinching for this great idea. What you’ll need: * […]
I saw this “recipe” in the Family Fun magazine while at the Doctor’s office and thought I’d give it a try. Anything to make dinner time fun, right? My kids LOVED it! And it was easy to make. I took hot dogs and cut them into 4 pieces. Then I took raw spaghetti noodles and […]
Meatloaf and mashed potatoes are comfort food to me. I love them! My kids love them! And I love that my kids love them! But I wanted to kid it up a little. (We eat meatloaf a lot.) So I made my regular meatloaf. It’s nothing uber fancy. I buy the spice packet at the […]
We’re taking a little break from all of our holiday desserts to bring you a dinner idea. Crazy, right? Not so much if you know me. I just love making fun foods for my kids and with Easter coming up, I thought these Sloppy Joe Baskets would be fun to serve for dinner. They look […]
I’m not even sure I can type this post. I’m laughing too hard. ‘Cause seriously… this meal cracked me up. But even more hysterical than these totally adorable weenie men (that I found over on Casa de Luna) is the conversation that I had with my son. Are you ready for this??? My son: […]
I know today is November 1st and Breast Cancer Awareness month was October but I just had to share this one with you. Plus today is “Wear Pink” day at my school. So, of course I had to bring cookies to help celebrate! And not just any cookies… Mammo-graham cookies. Ha! Get it?! Mammo – […]
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oh that looks really good, and we only have those chips at the bulk food store, so at least I have that going for me right?
I found that if you ask at Great Harvest Bread they will sell you their chips by the pound. They are smaller than what you buy in the store. We bought a few pounds and keep them in the freezer.
Oh my gosh! Great to know! I will ask next time I go in. Thank you!
This is the most delicious bread ever! I love all the ways cinnamon chips can be used in baking. Your loaves are beautiful, Erin.
This looks so delicious.
Sounds delicious! But a question – does this dough get kneaded at all?
I’ve never heard of cinnamon chips before. I love cinnamon – I’ll need to get me some of those once baking season starts 🙂
The only tip on bread making is practice! Your bread looks delicious–I’ve just discovered cinnamon chips. they are fun.
Great Harvest is a dangerous store, all of their bread is yummy.
I cannot wait to make my own cinnamon chips and then this bread.
Yummy! This looks delish! Would love if you’d join our Countdown to Fall link party! Hope to see you there! Have a great week!
This looks divine…a bread I know I’d love too! Thanks so much for sharing at Mix it up Monday 🙂
Yummy! That looks so good. Thanks for sharing at Sharing Saturday!
Erin you are putting me over the edge with all these fabulous recipes!!! I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled for the cinnamon chips….now I will be on a serious mission for them to make this bread recipe!!! 🙂
If you have a WinCo in your area, they carry cinnamon chips year round.
Tonight is my third attempt at making this bread. I live in Alaska and have had a lot of problems getting the bread to rise at all. So the first two loafs weren’t very good. I let the bread rise this time for well over three hours and it is looking much better. It is now baking and I am ready to eat!
My guess would be that you are using too little flour. The reason I say this is because your dough looks overly wet, similar to a sweet bread (like zucchini or pumpkin) batter. I’ve always been afraid of using too much flour, but I’ve recently realized that I’ve been using too little flour for a long time. It makes the dough saggy (if you set it out in a mound it won’t hold its shape and will spread out), and it is very hard to work with. Since adding a little more flour, my rolls, bread, and especially cinnamon rolls have been so much easier to work with and have turned out better. Generally you want to be able to handle your dough without first having to completely cover your bread or hands with flour. Try adding more flour and see what happens. In general, yeast doughs should look smooth, not wet. You could also try increasing each of your rising times to 1 or 1 1/2 hours and see what happens. Good luck!
Thanks for the cinnamon chip recipe. I’m going to try it out!
I have a problem with the chips melting when adding to dough, third time I think I will freeze them beforehand and try that.