One of the best things I’ve done with my kids is taking them camping. I was a little afraid the first time we went. It was just me and my two, very young, children. We had so much fun. Now, 5 years later, it’s the highlight of our summer when we go camping. We load […]
I’m totally having fun with this whole fun food for dinner Saturday night. I love seeing my kid’s faces when I put their plate on the table. I love hearing “no way. Great job, Mom.” It makes my entire day! And how could I not make this for Halloween?!?! I’m not sure where I saw […]
Did you read the title and think “what the heck?” If you did, you’re not alone. When I first heard of roasting Starburst candies over the campfire I was pretty skeptical. Number one, there’s no chocolate so that usually rules me out. And number two, what the heck? How would that even work??? But when […]
I have a little thing about vampires. I was about to write “I’m embarrassed to say” but I’m not. What the heck. I’m obsessed. I said it. Seriously, I am. It all started with the Twilight books and has gone a little out of control since. =o) If you need to know a good book […]
Here is an easy and fun treat for the kids. They didn’t turn out as cool as I had hoped. I think it was because there was so many bubbles in our 7 Up. But the kids didn’t seem to mind. PrintGummy Bear Popsicles Ingredients7 Up Gummy BearsInstructionsLet your 7 Up sit out for […]
My kids and I watch a craft show every Saturday morning called Donna’s Day. Have you heard of it? It’s fantastic. She does crafts and recips and all sorts of great things for you to do with your kids. Some of them are awesome. Some of them are for the more Martha Stewart Mom’s out […]
I have decided that April Fools Day is one of my favorite holidays. Sounds a little strange maybe but fun food and me? Yep, we go together like peanut butter and jelly. And April Fools Day screams fun food. So what do you think about our Deviled Eggs? Who doesn’t love deviled eggs, right? Oh […]
Tag! I’m it! Yeah! I love to play games. I’m a kid at heart. I’ll admit it. So when Tiffanee over at One Crazy Cookie tagged me, I was thrilled and honored. Thrilled because, like I said, I like to play =o) And honored because I love her blog. She posts the best recipes! What […]
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okay now these I need to try!
This is absolutely going on my list….churros you don’t have to fry? Yes, please!
YUM, I’m making these this week for this kids!!! (and me, shhhh)
Delish! I’d love to have you join my PIN MEme Linky Party because this is very Pin Worthy! I’m going to pin it now! I’m also following. You should check out Bento Blog Network too cause you make cute food stuff!
Diana Rambles
Bento Blog Network
Link Rink
We are going to try these today! Thank you for sharing.
just pinned this to try out! They lok yummy and I am so glad they are not fried!
Your churros look delicious
I actually never made them at home…..
I should definitely try
Mmmmm… churro cookies. Love it!