We made cookies like this years ago and I remember my kids loved it. It’s like playing with play doh but the end result isn’t cleaning everything up and putting it away. The end result here is eating them! What kid (or adult) wouldn’t be pleased with that outcome? The kids had so much fun […]
Oh, the pressure. My son’s request to make “fun food” every Saturday night for dinner is already getting to me. How do people come up with all these ideas??? Well, however they do it, I’m just grateful they do. That way I can copy them and my kids think I’m amazing =o) Jill over at […]
I have a little thing about vampires. I was about to write “I’m embarrassed to say” but I’m not. What the heck. I’m obsessed. I said it. Seriously, I am. It all started with the Twilight books and has gone a little out of control since. =o) If you need to know a good book […]
I’m beginning to get a little tired of the rain around here. It’s May for heaven’s sake and it’s pouring outside. I want summer! I want to be able to open up my windows and smell the fresh air. I want to wear sandals and capris and not feel like I’m frozen. I want to […]
I was feeling pretty guilty about my lack of party creativity for my daughter. The necklaces were pretty cute and I knew the girls would think they were fun but I was feeling bad for the boys. Plus I have this whole over-acheiver thing that I deal with. I have a hard time settling for […]
This is my attempt at making a Thanksgiving cookie. I was planning on making all kinds of cute little turkey cookies but instead I decided to throw myself down the stairs and mess up my ankle. I know. Turkey cookies or the emergency room? Is it a tough choice? Apparently it was for me. I […]
I’ve decided that I’m a little bored with cooking. I make the same basic things for dinners and I’m getting tired of it. Dinner should be fun, right? So that’s our new theme for the summer. Fun food! So we bought a couple of fun kid’s cookbooks. This is the first thing we made – […]
You’re going to think this is either gross or totally cool. Or maybe a little bit of both. Either way, it’s perfect for Halloween! And my kids thought it was totally grossly cool! Sloppy Joe Intestines! Or maybe it’s Sloppy Joe Colon. But that sounds too gross, even for me. I found the idea here […]
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Great minds think alike–I love this pen and cannot write with a pencil!
I have the bump tooooooo!!! Ahhhh