I love that I found these over on Mom Endeavors. I knew immediately that this was a Halloween snack we had to make. Super easy which means little helpers can do this one all on their own! What you’ll need: * stick pretzels * white melting chocolate * raisins * milk chocolate melting chocolate Arrange […]
My daughter saw these wonderful looking treats in her Fancy Nancy Tea Parties book. (Did I mention we LOVE Fancy Nancy?!) Her books are stupendous (that’s fancy for great!) I did an earlier post from this book as well. Click here to see it. So Ellie saw these and said to me “oh, let’s make […]
Because, really… isn’t everything better on a stick? Heck yeah! And how cute are these little mummy heads? I just loved them. We gobbled up our Mummy Twinkie Pops (holy smokes, were they good!) And we wanted to do another fun mummy treat this Halloween so we decided on these. Mummy Oreo Suckers Source: How […]
Tag! I’m it! Yeah! I love to play games. I’m a kid at heart. I’ll admit it. So when Tiffanee over at One Crazy Cookie tagged me, I was thrilled and honored. Thrilled because, like I said, I like to play =o) And honored because I love her blog. She posts the best recipes! What […]
I remember making this years and years ago for a friend’s children. It was pretty cool (I thought) so my kids and I thought we would make it again for some friends. It’s super easy and it’s fun to do! What you will need: * any kind of clear bowl. We used a fish bowl […]
I haven’t done a single thing for the 4th of July =o( Where have I been??? We typically don’t do much for the 4th, though. It’s always been one of those holidays where I’m frustrated because of all the loud noises that keep waking my kids up! Does that make me grouchy? =o( But a […]
Did you read the title and think “what the heck?” If you did, you’re not alone. When I first heard of roasting Starburst candies over the campfire I was pretty skeptical. Number one, there’s no chocolate so that usually rules me out. And number two, what the heck? How would that even work??? But when […]
We’re taking a little break from all of our holiday desserts to bring you a dinner idea. Crazy, right? Not so much if you know me. I just love making fun foods for my kids and with Easter coming up, I thought these Sloppy Joe Baskets would be fun to serve for dinner. They look […]
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I would use this on my four children. Been a very tough year so it would help out greatly:)
I would use it on my kiddos 🙂
Christmas for the kidlet, of course!
I would use it to buy Christmas for my niece and nephew.
Luckily I have most of my presents taken care of already, but it would probably go to pay bills – not fun, but necessary, haha.
I would use it on Christmas goodies for my girls.
I would use half of this prize to buy my friend a birthday present and half of it to pay off some bills.
I’d buy some presents with it!
Comments on This flourishing Life page
I would like to use this for Christmas presents.
I would use the prize for Christmas presents!
I would put the money toward new kitchen cabinets.
primabee at hotmail dot com
I’ve been needing to get a new camera!
i’d use it to pay bills!
i would send it all to Santa and finish paying for my kids Christmas gifts.
I would spend the money on myself a massage and a pedicure 🙂
I would buy some legos for my 9 year old daughter. And maybe a cookbook for me!
I could definitely use the extra money/gift card this Christmas. It’s going to be slim pickins’ this year.
I would use it to help me buy my three daughters Christmas presents! It has been tough this year!!!
I would use it to buy Christmas gifts
The money would go toward my dental bill.
to use ffor gifts
I would use it for gifts.
I would use the $100 towards a Xmas tree and stocking stuffers for my grandkids.
christmas presents for my kids
Christmas presents for my girls and my hubby!