I have decided that April Fools Day is one of my favorite holidays. Sounds a little strange maybe but fun food and me? Yep, we go together like peanut butter and jelly. And April Fools Day screams fun food. So what do you think about our Deviled Eggs? Who doesn’t love deviled eggs, right? Oh […]
My daughter’s pre-school class has been learning Japanese all year. It’s so cool to hear her speak and she is so proud when she comes home and tells me the new words she has learned. At the school’s Spring Fling Bar-B-Que her class sang “Jesus Loves Me” in Japanese! In Japanese!!! She’s 5 years old! […]
In keeping with our fun food theme we made these cute sloppy Joe cars. What do you think? (You didn’t miss our other fun food posts, did you? Octodogs and Shells, Aliens for dinner and our Squiddlers.) These were simple to make and will be a big hit with the kids. You will need: * […]
I know. Don’t judge me. You’re thinking “that’s totally gross!” But admit it… you’re next thought is “but totally cool!” Right? Come on, admit it. These cookies are totally gross and totally cool at the same time. That’s why we had to make them. A friend on Facebook posted this link on my wall […]
I’m beginning to get a little tired of the rain around here. It’s May for heaven’s sake and it’s pouring outside. I want summer! I want to be able to open up my windows and smell the fresh air. I want to wear sandals and capris and not feel like I’m frozen. I want to […]
Oh, the pressure. My son’s request to make “fun food” every Saturday night for dinner is already getting to me. How do people come up with all these ideas??? Well, however they do it, I’m just grateful they do. That way I can copy them and my kids think I’m amazing =o) Jill over at […]
I mentioned in my last post for our Faux Deviled Eggs that I love April Fools Day and all the fun food ideas. Well, here’s another super cute idea. How about making a Chicken Not Pie for dinner for your kids. Did you catch that? Chicken Not Pie. I know, clever right? (Or were you […]
Forgive me for reposting old projects but we’re still not baking much around here and these ideas were so much fun. Check them out if you missed them! Octo Dogs and ShellsAn Alien Invasion For DinnerHot Dog CookiesWatermelon BeetleMeatloaf & Mashed Potato CupcakesSloppy Joe Race Cars Have fun with your meal!
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Yes, our Elf is named Max. This is our second year with him. My daughter, now 4, loves to search for him when she wakes up each morning. We keep the magic going through the year be watching the Elf on the Shelf movie.
primabee at hotmail dot com
So fun, I’m sort of sad I didn’t really find out about the elf on a shelf until kiddo was a little older, oh well, grand kids will have it!