I have decided that April Fools Day is one of my favorite holidays. Sounds a little strange maybe but fun food and me? Yep, we go together like peanut butter and jelly. And April Fools Day screams fun food. So what do you think about our Deviled Eggs? Who doesn’t love deviled eggs, right? Oh […]
Tag! I’m it! Yeah! I love to play games. I’m a kid at heart. I’ll admit it. So when Tiffanee over at One Crazy Cookie tagged me, I was thrilled and honored. Thrilled because, like I said, I like to play =o) And honored because I love her blog. She posts the best recipes! What […]
I have a confession to make. You know those little recipe books that you always see in the check out stand? They are usually themed – Halloween, Christmas, cookies, crockpot recipes. You know the ones. I am addicted to them. Yep, I said it out loud. I love them. I love looking through them and […]
My daughter’s pre-school class has been learning Japanese all year. It’s so cool to hear her speak and she is so proud when she comes home and tells me the new words she has learned. At the school’s Spring Fling Bar-B-Que her class sang “Jesus Loves Me” in Japanese! In Japanese!!! She’s 5 years old! […]
Angry birds seem to be the thing right now. When we were trick or treating there were so many houses that had Angry Bird pumpkins. They were super cool. So when I saw this cute sandwich over on Jill’s blog, Kitchen Fun with My Three Sons, this just seemed like the perfect fun meal. And […]
I love Halloween! Have I mentioned that? Yep, love it! And how could I not when this is what decorates my kitchen? Cool, right?! Dirty Q-Tips! Ha! I saw these over on Pinterest too. Along with the Bloody Band-Aid Cookies that we made. It originally came from Katherine Marie Photography. Super simple but the […]
Oh, the pressure. My son’s request to make “fun food” every Saturday night for dinner is already getting to me. How do people come up with all these ideas??? Well, however they do it, I’m just grateful they do. That way I can copy them and my kids think I’m amazing =o) Jill over at […]
The aliens are coming! The aliens are coming! I told you that I was going to make dinner time more fun and exciting. How fun is this idea?!?! My kids loved it! This idea came from the cookbook Just For Kids Collection. (If you missed my Octo-Dog post you MUST check it out here!) Here’s […]
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Those look so good!!!!
Holy cow!!! These are simply amazing. 🙂
Oooh very nice! I’m collecting candy recipes right now for V-day so my hubby might get a little chubby-hehe!
Oh you’re so clever to make them this way. They look perfect!
These look dang good. I do love the sweet/salty combo!
” melt your chocolate in 30 minute bursts”? I’m sure you really meant seconds. LOL
Love the name! These look scrumptious! I found you on the Wednesday Extravaganza!
Bevin @whoneedsacape.com
Hi, thanks for sharing- found you at Bacon Time. These look yummy 🙂
This sounds like a really good recipe, I’d love to try some time:)
Hopping by and following your lovely blog’s NB and Pinterest. I blog @ Getting Healthy with Essential Oils
I am also inviting you to join Tiddle Diddle Handmade Shoppe’s first giveaway event.
oh yum!! Thanks for linking up to Friday Food Frenzy!
You have some great ideas and we would like for you to share with our readers too. We are hosting our first link party tomorrow and we would like to invite you to link up with us. We have a fun blog to co-host with us. Hope to see you there.
The Busy Bee’s,
Myrna and Joye.
Oh, those sound amazing!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!