Crafty Bands Review

Crafty Bands are the cutest things.  They are bands or bracelets that kids can personalize with pictures or wording that they chose.  It’s pretty clever.  Maybe a better way to describe them is it’s a kit that kids can design their own “charms” to personalize their bracelets.  Does that make sense?
The starter kit comes with everything you need: hole punch, bubble caps, bandz and crafty snaps.
Kids get to pick out whatever picture that they want to put in the charm.  You use the hole punch to cut out the picture.
Then add a bubble cap and glue into the crafty snaps.  It’s super easy!
This is what my daughter decided on.  (Yes, that’s Justin Beiber.)  =o)
Then you snap them in the bandz.  Easy peasy!
My daughter loved them.  The bandz are durable and pliable so they don’t break and can fit on most wrist sizes. 
If I had a printer that worked, I would have loved to make personalized ones with my daughter and her friend’s faces on the charms.  How cute would that be?  Or how about personalizing them for a birthday present or party?  It would be fun to do as a party favor at a party too.  (I think I’ll have to remember this for my daughter’s birthday party in a couple of weeks.
And you can buy refill kits.  I love this part.  I get so tired of buying a craft kit to do with my kids, we do the project and then have to throw away the kit because there’s no way to buy only certain items (the ones we run out of.)  With Crafty Bandz, you buy the starter kit and then all you have to buy to make more are the “innards”.
Don’t want to take my word for it.  Well. you totally should.  =o)  Check them out and see what you think!
You can find Crafty Bands on Twitter and Facebook too.
I was given this product free of charge to write this review.  The opinions expressed are my own.
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