I saw this “recipe” in the Family Fun magazine while at the Doctor’s office and thought I’d give it a try. Anything to make dinner time fun, right? My kids LOVED it! And it was easy to make. I took hot dogs and cut them into 4 pieces. Then I took raw spaghetti noodles and […]
I’ve decided I love my food markers. I mean seriously. Who ever came up with that idea is a genius. Because we’re having so much fun with them. Who wouldn’t love a cup of this hot chocolate in the morning?! My kids thought it was great. They thought I bought the marshmallows like this. […]
I know today is November 1st and Breast Cancer Awareness month was October but I just had to share this one with you. Plus today is “Wear Pink” day at my school. So, of course I had to bring cookies to help celebrate! And not just any cookies… Mammo-graham cookies. Ha! Get it?! Mammo – […]
My daughter’s pre-school class has been learning Japanese all year. It’s so cool to hear her speak and she is so proud when she comes home and tells me the new words she has learned. At the school’s Spring Fling Bar-B-Que her class sang “Jesus Loves Me” in Japanese! In Japanese!!! She’s 5 years old! […]
Angry birds seem to be the thing right now. When we were trick or treating there were so many houses that had Angry Bird pumpkins. They were super cool. So when I saw this cute sandwich over on Jill’s blog, Kitchen Fun with My Three Sons, this just seemed like the perfect fun meal. And […]
I think I should just rename my blog “All the ideas I steal from Family Fun”. Seriously. Because whenever we get the magazine we all look through it and say “Oh, we have to make that!” about a million times. This was no exception. We had to make this, of course. I mean really… hot […]
The weather here in Oregon has been really off the past couple of months. It was stinkin’ hot for awhile and then summer kind of disappeared the end of August. I’m not real happy about it. I LOVE the nice weather. Well, let me rephrase that. I love wearing flip flops and shorts. My wardrobe […]
So what do you think? Have we been doing it up, Thanksgiving style? (Maybe not if you’re a grown up. But we don’t really have one of those in our house.) =o) But my kids have loved all the fun treats we’ve made so far. We tried our first Turkey Cookie. Then we sugar-ed it […]
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I love how you “celebrate” Valentines day in the US, in Sweden we hardly notice it 😛 I´ts getting better though 🙂
Have a lovely day!
Chocolate Chip!
Double Chocolate Chip are my favorite cookies, thanks!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
I love cookies with Dark Chocolate!
My fave cookies would have to be oatmeal raisin! Oh wait… maybe peanut butter… I can’t decide!