We made cookies like this years ago and I remember my kids loved it. It’s like playing with play doh but the end result isn’t cleaning everything up and putting it away. The end result here is eating them! What kid (or adult) wouldn’t be pleased with that outcome? The kids had so much fun […]
Oh, the pressure. My son’s request to make “fun food” every Saturday night for dinner is already getting to me. How do people come up with all these ideas??? Well, however they do it, I’m just grateful they do. That way I can copy them and my kids think I’m amazing =o) Jill over at […]
Do they look like hot dogs? Of course they do. But are they? Well, sort of. They’re hot dogs, but not the kind you eat for lunch. You eat these hot dogs for dessert! I found the recipe for these over on The Seven Year Cottage. I changed it up just a little bit. They used […]
I know today is November 1st and Breast Cancer Awareness month was October but I just had to share this one with you. Plus today is “Wear Pink” day at my school. So, of course I had to bring cookies to help celebrate! And not just any cookies… Mammo-graham cookies. Ha! Get it?! Mammo – […]
One of the best things I’ve done with my kids is taking them camping. I was a little afraid the first time we went. It was just me and my two, very young, children. We had so much fun. Now, 5 years later, it’s the highlight of our summer when we go camping. We load […]
I pinned this recipe quite some time ago and put it into my “Fun Food Ideas” board. I mean, seriously, of course I was going to make it. They are adorable! And with the movie Turbo coming out, I figured it was the perfect time to surprise my kids. My son wants to see Turbo badly. […]
I’m totally having fun with this whole fun food for dinner Saturday night. I love seeing my kid’s faces when I put their plate on the table. I love hearing “no way. Great job, Mom.” It makes my entire day! And how could I not make this for Halloween?!?! I’m not sure where I saw […]
I’ve seen these around blogland for awhile now and wondered if they would be good or just plain weird. My daughter loves corn dogs. So would she love these??? So I hopped on over to My Kitchen Adventures to see what I needed to do. How simple!!! I used a Corn Bread Muffin mix (the […]
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I love this idea….very cute!
how fun. This is a gift that any child would love! Great idea.
Love it!
You made the box out of candy? That’s perfect!
Love it!
I love it!!!
This is SWEET 🙂 I couldn’t help it. My kids love candy and sometimes it’s hard to think of what to give people who have everything. I just can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t love getting this!! A great alternative to flowers!! We are starting a link up party on Thursdays (today:), and we would love for you to join us with this post and/or any others you would like to include. We are at allthingswithpurpose.com. Hope to see you there!!
What a cute idea!!! I think that sweet birthday girl definitely deserved a sweet treat 🙂
Super cute, and how sweet to hear of a little girls selflessness! Gives me hope for the future!
What an adorable gift or center piece for any party!! That is so sweet that the girl wanted her gifts to go to the pet store.
Oh, how fun and such a sweet treat for the birthday girl! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!
Really like this idea
This is so cute. Almost everyone would love to receive this gift.