I mentioned in my last post for our Faux Deviled Eggs that I love April Fools Day and all the fun food ideas. Well, here’s another super cute idea. How about making a Chicken Not Pie for dinner for your kids. Did you catch that? Chicken Not Pie. I know, clever right? (Or were you […]
I have a little thing about vampires. I was about to write “I’m embarrassed to say” but I’m not. What the heck. I’m obsessed. I said it. Seriously, I am. It all started with the Twilight books and has gone a little out of control since. =o) If you need to know a good book […]
My daughter’s pre-school class has been learning Japanese all year. It’s so cool to hear her speak and she is so proud when she comes home and tells me the new words she has learned. At the school’s Spring Fling Bar-B-Que her class sang “Jesus Loves Me” in Japanese! In Japanese!!! She’s 5 years old! […]
I love that I found these over on Mom Endeavors. I knew immediately that this was a Halloween snack we had to make. Super easy which means little helpers can do this one all on their own! What you’ll need: * stick pretzels * white melting chocolate * raisins * milk chocolate melting chocolate Arrange […]
Halloween means fun food, right? At least in our house it does. I have to spice it up a little for my kids. So how could I not make these bloody band aide cookies??!! I saw these over on Pinterest (who got them from Katherine Marie Photography.) Do you pin? If not, you are so […]
You’re going to think this is either gross or totally cool. Or maybe a little bit of both. Either way, it’s perfect for Halloween! And my kids thought it was totally grossly cool! Sloppy Joe Intestines! Or maybe it’s Sloppy Joe Colon. But that sounds too gross, even for me. I found the idea here […]
Here is an easy and fun treat for the kids. They didn’t turn out as cool as I had hoped. I think it was because there was so many bubbles in our 7 Up. But the kids didn’t seem to mind. PrintGummy Bear Popsicles Ingredients7 Up Gummy BearsInstructionsLet your 7 Up sit out for […]
Yep, another Thanksgiving-ish recipe. I told you we were going to rock the Holidays! (If you missed that post, you can check it out here.) And after our delicious Pumpkin Spice Fudge, we needed a kid friendly crafty kind of dessert to make. Can you get any more kid friendly or crafty with these Turkey […]
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Thanks for a chance to win an iPad. If I win, I will keep it in my classroom for my Prek students to use. What fun!
i would donate it to my daughter’s school.
I would gift it to my husband.
thanks for the chance to win. I would absolutely love to have one of these!
If we got this IPad we would use this when my husband deploys. We can text and facetime for free on wifi.
If I won this iPad, I would give it to my son!
I would keep it for myself
#4 not working? I would keep it and share it with my family
I would keep it for me.
I would keep it for myself
Facebook page 4 is not working
I don’t have an I-pad and have always wanted one.I am going to enter every contest until I win one.LOL.Thanks for this giveaway chance.
i would want to give it to my daughter, but i’m going to be selfish and keep it for myself. i really wanted one for a long time. thanks.
facebook #4 isn’t working. I would keep it for myself! Thanks for the chance
oh, this one is a definite KEEPER! =)
this would become the ‘family iPad.’ I have one for work, but there are restrictions on its use b/c of that. I suspect my 11 yo would be the prime user.
I would keep it for myself.
I would keep the iPad, as everyone in my family already has one! And perhaps I’d share it with my boyfriend 🙂
This would be shared between my husband and myself.
Thanks for the great giveaway! =)
I have been wanting one, so I would keep it!
i’d keep it!
keep it for myself!
I don’t want to sound greedy, but I would keep it for myself because I have always wanted one. Maybe I could also share with my grandaughter LOL.
smjohns63 at yahoo dot com
Keep it for myself i have been trying to win one of these forever!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I would keep it, though it would be used equally by my children and myself.
myself, I don’t have one, but I would share
Think I’d have to keep this!