Springtime Giveaway Hop

I know. Don’t judge me. You’re thinking “that’s totally gross!” But admit it… you’re next thought is “but totally cool!” Right? Come on, admit it. These cookies are totally gross and totally cool at the same time. That’s why we had to make them. A friend on Facebook posted this link on my wall […]
I can’t believe it’s the middle of October and I haven’t even posted a Halloween recipe or crafts yet. Ugh. Life is a little overwhelming right now but I’ve decided to kick it into gear and get my Halloween on. So the first Halloween recipe for this year is for Candy Corn Cookies. Aren’t they […]
I haven’t done a single thing for the 4th of July =o( Where have I been??? We typically don’t do much for the 4th, though. It’s always been one of those holidays where I’m frustrated because of all the loud noises that keep waking my kids up! Does that make me grouchy? =o( But a […]
I had all these grand plans to do great things this Easter. Some of them got done but a lot of them are still in my “to do” pile. Crud. At 6am when I was getting ready to pack my kid’s lunch for school I remembered I wanted to pack their lunch a little differently. […]
I’ve decided that I’m a little bored with cooking. I make the same basic things for dinners and I’m getting tired of it. Dinner should be fun, right? So that’s our new theme for the summer. Fun food! So we bought a couple of fun kid’s cookbooks. This is the first thing we made – […]
My daughter saw these wonderful looking treats in her Fancy Nancy Tea Parties book. (Did I mention we LOVE Fancy Nancy?!) Her books are stupendous (that’s fancy for great!) I did an earlier post from this book as well. Click here to see it. So Ellie saw these and said to me “oh, let’s make […]
This was one of my first posts (and it’s a pretty poorly done one.) So I thought I would repost this. It’s one of my son’s favorite meals and he asks for it all the time. I’m not sure if he likes eating the hot dogs and noodles or if it’s just the way he […]
Oh, the pressure. My son’s request to make “fun food” every Saturday night for dinner is already getting to me. How do people come up with all these ideas??? Well, however they do it, I’m just grateful they do. That way I can copy them and my kids think I’m amazing =o) Jill over at […]
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I’m looking forward to hearing the birds sing!
I’m looking forward to watching the flowers in our garden begin to bloom!
falses1gns at gmail dot com
I’m looking forward to my flowers blooming and my grass turning green again!
I’m looking forward to leaves on the trees!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I’m looking forward to not freezing my butt off and wearing 5 layers at work.
I’m looking forward to playing outside with my kids!
I’m looking forward to planting a garden.
Rocking on my new back porch and watching the flowers bloom.
I Create Purty Thangs
I am looking forward to the warm weather.
Opening the window and letting the fresh air into the house and the flowers blooming and the grass turning green and going for walks after dinner.
Flowers and soccer games
new garden projects
I’m looking forward to grilling out more!
I’m looking forward to getting back into my running routine.
I look forward to wearing sandals and pretty spring dresses!
Jessica Eaton Ledford
cherriesjessilee at gmail dot com
I am looking forward to BBQ’s
rounder9834 @yahoo.com
Going swimming
I’m looking forward to warmer weather to walk the dogs more.
I am looking forward to getting out more and walking
school being done! jessica_alise13@yahoo.com
planting a garden!!
looking forward to some flowers!
swimming and being outside with the kids
I am looking forward to going to the beach
I’m looking forward to the end of the semester this Spring! I need a break!
my birthday coming up!!
Warm walks on the beach.
I’m really looking forward to taking the bikes out of the garage!
this may sound silly but, i’ve recently lost 56 pounds so i am looking forward to wearing shorts for the first time in many, many, many years.
I am looking forward to getting out and walking in the fresh air, feeding the ducks at the pond and seeing everything bloom.
I’m looking forward to wearing sandals again.
Going to the beach!
I am looking forward to starting my gardens. Terri Morgan
Warm weather
Warmer weather!
looking forward to warmer weather and getting out in the garden and cookouts!
I’m looking forward to a cheaper gas bill…ha! Which means warmer weather, of course!
Planting flowers!
I’m really looking forward to getting outside with my grandkids and opening up all the windows and smelling that wonderful fresh air.
Spring Flowers.
Miranda P
I am looking forward to going for walks and planting our garden.
I am looking forward to having more sunshine.
(Lauren Rochon in Rafflecopter)
fun time outside with my 4 year old grandson
Thanks for the giveaway. I’m looking forward to watching my garden grow. 🙂
i’m looking forward to spending some time outdoors running and walking, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
The beautiful blooming flowers!
I am looking forward to hiking in my new neighborhood.
Working on my garden.
the beautiful flowers and trees blossom.
Walks on the greenbelt by my apartment.
Warmer weather
I’m looking forward to my 21st birthday (in spring of course)!
I look forward to spending more time in the garden!
-Jen Haile
I am looking forward to no more snow and seeing the flowers bloom
The warm weather and flowers blooming!
Thanks for the giveaway! =)
Every spring I hope to share more time with my family in the backyard, make more parties and have more fun.
I’m excited for warm weather!!
CrystalW07 (at) aol.com
Picnics at the park with the kids!
Going on walks outside! I do the treadmill in the winter and I am excited to do my workouts outside again!
We’re looking forward to some rain here.
I’m looking forward to less money spent on heat!
Maggie at literary winner dot com
I am looking forward to visiting the theme parks.
I am looking forward to spending time at the pool with my kids.
I’m looking forward to being able to take my son to the park without fear of frostbite!
Spending more time outside gardening!
ijessica_r at yahoo dot com
I’m looking forward to going to the beach!
Warm, sunny weather! Soon, hopefully! 🙂
The nice weather.
Trying my hand at a vegetable garden
I am looking forward to nicer weather, no snow, no tornadoes. I want to see green stuff growing, trees plants…money lol–
I am looking forward to cookouts with family and friends. I am also looking forward to the beautiful flowers.
Les Johnson
I am looking forward to warm weather so I can get outside.
graduating college
amanda s on rafflecopter
im looking forward to all the blooming spring flowers
going to the park and taking walks in the sunshine
Warmer weather, green grass and flowers.
I look forward to walking outside without freezing!!
I’m looking forward to the snow melting and being able to spend more time outside with the kids!
Warmer days and sunshine! 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway!
sunshine and longer days~!
I look to the flowers 🙂
The weather and all the gorgeous spring shades.
Being warm! Flowers and greeny and shady trees 🙂 Leaving the windows open at night 🙂
I’m looking forward to the Spring weather.
I’m looking forward to my oldest son coming home from his first year at college! His semester ends May 1st! I can’t wait!! I miss him so much!!!
Really looking forward to getting outside more & outdoor running!
i cant wait to plant my flowers and garden
I am looking forward to warmer weather.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
I look forward to getting out in the fresh air!
Flowers, warmer weather and outdoor activities 🙂
My lilac bush blooming and warmer weather.
I am most looking forward to no jackets mittens or scarfs and being in the warm sun all day. I am glad to get back outside and spend some quality time out of doors
my senior’s baseball season
My garden!
My nephew being born.
I’m looking forward to the lettuce and greens finally coming up in the garden. The first harvests of the garden year!
The first flowers of the year – tulips, crocuses and hyacinths – theh I know its spring
The first flowers of the year – tulips, crocuses and hyacinths – theh I know its spring
I’m looking forward to working in my garden and planting lots of lovely flowers.
Becoming a grandmother
I want to get in the yard and garden and work.
taking my son to the park
looking forward to opening the windows and all the colors!
I am looking forward to the pretty flowers
Warm weather!
Nicole Carter Weasley
A smaller gas bill and warmer temperatures!
I’m looking forward to thunderstorms.
I’m looking forward to all the fresh air and bright colors.
Flowers and birds chirping!!
raffle name: Nikki O
Warm weather at last and being able to get outside and enjoy it!
Spring means a lot of possibilities for me!
I am most looking forward to nice enough weather to garden!
Spending time outside with my son!
The nice weather.
To starting gardening! 🙂
I’m looking forward to the baby chicks at the place where we go to buy our eggs.
I’m looking forward to gardening.
I am looking forward to spending more time outside!
I’m looking forward to spending quality time with the kiddos and helping them learn at the same time!! Building memories.
I am looking forward to the warm weather.
I’m looking forward to the flowers.
I’m looking forward to days at the park with the kids
Honestly, better weather 🙂
I’m looking forward to warmer weather and sunshine.
I’m looking forward to going on family bike rides this Spring
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I am looking forward to enjoying the warmer weather and getting outside.
I’m looking forward to spending more time outdoors with my family.
Thanks so much.
Our Yoshino Cherry tree is budding and I love those blossoms.
ky2here at msn dot com
warmer weather
kport207 at gmail dot com
My kids’ birthdays.
I look forward to opening the windows and being able to hang the clothes on the line.
Warm weather
I am looking forward to sitting on the deck in the sun.
the fresh air!
I look forward to just being outside more
the nice weather and the pool
I’m looking forward to volunteering at a local church (I’ll have more time) and reading more outside.
I’m looking forward to warm weather
Watching my daughter play softball.
Thanks for the chance.
the warm weather
I’m looking forward to the warmer weather
warmer weather and pretty colors
apoalillo {AT} hotmail dot com
alyce poalillo
Allergies! Oh wait
Allergies! Oh wait
trees and sunshine
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I’m looking forward to spring flowers appearing.
I am looking forward to gardening and watching the flowers pop up!
I am looking forward to being able to take my dog for walks and to ride my bike around the state parks.
warm weather and flowers
I’m looking forward to warmer temperatures that make it possible for me to begin taking nightly walks again.
Rafflecopter: Katie Roch
I am looking forward to being able to work outside in my garden again.
going to the local Highland Games
twitted this today, 05/04
I love the arrival of the house finches and the spring flowers.
Thank you.
I’m looking forward to not paying high heating oil bills anymore!
I am looking forward to good weather
I am looking forward to a wedding we are going to in May
long bike rides
The warmer weather
I am looking forward to getting out in my gardens
I am looking forward to planting my garden.
I’m looking forward to my flowers blooming again.
I’m looking forward to having my taxes finished so that I can breath and enjoy the warmer weather and flowers!
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
i look forward to the flowers blooming
I’m looking forward to the wildflowers in bloom and being able to take pictures of them.
What are you looking forward to this spring?
running more
I’m looking forward to our garden project in Spring
I’m looking forward to WARMTH this spring!
Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
-Amber Terry-
My boyfriend is graduating college this spring!
Definitely the nicer weather and getting outside more
In addition to the warmer weather… I am due with a baby boy May 16th!!! -Heather Mckenzie Carter
The nice weather and planting my garden
Working in the garden and visiting my daughter.
I am looking forward to the first homegrown Bibb and Butter lettuces I will pick in Spring.
All of the blooming flowers!
I’m looking forward to planting my garden with the kids.
Thanks for the chance.
I’m looking forward to keeping my windows and doors opened to let fresh air in.
kathyluman@gmail dot com
I’m hoping to look forward to a job for my husband.
I’m looking forward to planting my seeds, seeing the flowers, and being able to go out with a t-shirt.
Waiting for the hummingbirds to return.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
Flowers warmer weather and flip flops.
the weather so my son and i can get in the pool
I look forward to planting a garden.
Opening the windows
The warmer weather
Planting my garden.
opening windows and no more long pants!
dwarzel at hotmail.com
Warmer weather.
bookloon at gmail dot com
I am looking forward to getting the yard pretty
Going swimming
No more snow!
Sitting outside and enjoying the weather!
Skimpier textiles!
April showers bringing may flowers
I’m eagerly awaiting the return of thunderstorms – love them.
Tulips and Daffodils 🙂
ktgonyea at gmail.com
I started an awesome new job in NYC this winter and I can’t wait to explore the city once the weather gets nicer this spring!
I’m looking forward to warmer weather.
Seeing my grandson on his birthday.
Sherry Compton
I’m looking forward to NO MORE SNOW, being able to open the windows for fresh air, and watching the flowers and trees bloom.
Bare ground!
I’m looking forward to spending more time outside, thanks!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
Warmer weather and flowers
To all the beautiful flowers, green grass, green trees. Tired of all the dead looking things. Children playing and warmer warmer warmer and hope dry weather. 🙂
I’m looking forward to my boyfriend visiting me from out of town!
Planting a garden with my family.
Looking forward to it warming up and everything turning green!!
Entered under the name of Jill
I’m looking forward to the warm weather.
I’m looking forward to the smell of flowers in the yard….
Warmer weather!
I’m looking forward to warmer weather and green trees.
I am excited for warmer weather so we can go hiking. Love hiking in the spring months. sweepmorey at gmail dot com
Warm weather
annabella @ centurytel dot net
I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO WEEING THE FLOWERS BLOOM. Cheryl Abdelnour cjabdelnour@hotmail.com
fresh air and warm weather!
the tulip festival
I’m looking forward to warmer weather – it SNOWED here on Friday.
acartwrightmorell at gmail dot com
The flowers.
I am looking forward to the tulips in my yard!
Yard sales!
dolniaks at consolidated dot net
The weather getting warmer, doing activities outside!
I’m looking forward the warm weather and green nature! 🙂
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Taking my daughter to the zoo
I am looking forward to the warmer weather
luvdatmouse at charter dot net
Working on my garden.
im looking forward to warmer weather
Im looking forward to the weather
I’m looking forward to wearing shorts.
I am looking forward to Memorial Day weekend.
I am looking forward to spring storms
The weather getting warmer, and being able to take the kids outside to the park..
i am looking forward to warmer weather
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
tony l smoaks on rafflecopter
looking forward to working in my flowers
I’m looking forward to going out to the park and playing tennis outdoors again.
Geoff K
gkaufmanss at yahoo dot com
I am looking forward to the sun coming back.
planting flowers and rain showers
I am looking forward to the sun and beach.
Virginia Rowell
I longer daytime hours.
I’m looking forward to the start of softball. My oldest plays travel softball so we are always on a field somewhere and it’s so much fun. Thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com
I’m looking forward to working in the garden.
Tara Woods
I’m looking forward to putting away the snow shovels.
warmer weather
jagar0047 at yahoo dot com
Some warm weather would be nice.
ighmeg at yahoo dot com
I’m looking forward to planting flowers
I am looking forward to warmer weather to go swimming.
I love the beautiful warmer weather – no more snow!
I looked forward to the cherry blossom trees in bloom.
I am looking forward to gardening!I can’t wait.
I’m looking forward to the return of the farmers market
Warm weather! Gardening! Swimming! Camping! So excited; I really don’t like Winter!
twitted this today, 07/04
cessation of the snow..
I am looking forward to being able to open the windows and get fresh air in the house. (Roxann)
the sunshine
Spending days at the beach
The flowers
fb/ shirley greenawalt zolenski
Some warm weather, finally!!
I am looking forward to the weather.
planting a garden with my kids wilcarvic
working in the garden
the warmer weather
Spring: longer days, warmer weather, growing things.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
Another baby!
I’m looking forward to starting to date after losing my husband three years ago. Now it’s all in finding someone to ask me out. 🙂 I like the cool weather in the Spring and spending time working in the yard also.
yard sales!!!
picking flowers and making arrangements from my own yard
I’m looking forward to the new flowers and the warm sunny days.
I look forward this spring to warmer weather.
Watching my yard turn green again!
Such a great giveaway — thank you very much!
Looking forward to spending more time outside on the farm and less time indoors!
Spring flowers and warm weather!