The Fresh Diet Giveaway

My Mom called me the other day and asked if I would bring a fruit tray to the family gathering we were having. To me, this was an open invitation for some fruit creativity. I mean, I could have just sliced up some fruit and plopped it on a plate. But really??? That’s not how […]
What do you think of Twinkies? I think people either love them or hate them. I love them. I’m not sure why. If I think about it too long I start to question my love of spongy yellow cake and frosting. So I don’t think about it for too long =o) For awhile, years ago, […]
My kids and I watch a craft show every Saturday morning called Donna’s Day. Have you heard of it? It’s fantastic. She does crafts and recips and all sorts of great things for you to do with your kids. Some of them are awesome. Some of them are for the more Martha Stewart Mom’s out […]
The aliens are coming! The aliens are coming! I told you that I was going to make dinner time more fun and exciting. How fun is this idea?!?! My kids loved it! This idea came from the cookbook Just For Kids Collection. (If you missed my Octo-Dog post you MUST check it out here!) Here’s […]
Normally by now I’ve posted a few Thanksgiving fun food recipes. Apparently I’m a little slow this year. I can’t believe this is our first (and only one!) But it is a fun one. How cute are these little guys? I thought my kids would have a great time making these. I bought all the […]
I’m totally having fun with this whole fun food for dinner Saturday night. I love seeing my kid’s faces when I put their plate on the table. I love hearing “no way. Great job, Mom.” It makes my entire day! And how could I not make this for Halloween?!?! I’m not sure where I saw […]
I had all these grand plans to do great things this Easter. Some of them got done but a lot of them are still in my “to do” pile. Crud. At 6am when I was getting ready to pack my kid’s lunch for school I remembered I wanted to pack their lunch a little differently. […]
This is my attempt at making a Thanksgiving cookie. I was planning on making all kinds of cute little turkey cookies but instead I decided to throw myself down the stairs and mess up my ankle. I know. Turkey cookies or the emergency room? Is it a tough choice? Apparently it was for me. I […]
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What an amazing giveaway!! Having meals already packed up and delivered to me would be such a life saver – what a wonderful way to ensure you eat healthy throughout the busy week.
I’m the only one in my house trying to eat a healthier diet, so this would be perfect. I could still fix my husband & son the food they want while sticking to my diet.
Trying to lose a few pounds this would be perfect!
This would be wonderful. I have been trying to get my husband to eat more healthy foods, this may be just what I need.
I really would love to try this healty food. It looks really delicious!!
i would love to try this, sounds really good. would also help my diabetic husband. thanks
would love to try this .I really need to eat healthier to loss weight.
This would be a great giveaway to win! I’ve been trying to lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle.
My post-baby body would appreciate this prize!
I NEED this…