East Coast Mommy has done it again! How totally cute is this Elf on the Shelf postcard! My kids are going to be so excited when this comes in the mail!
East Coast Mommy has done it again! How totally cute is this Elf on the Shelf postcard! My kids are going to be so excited when this comes in the mail!
This is my attempt at making a Thanksgiving cookie. I was planning on making all kinds of cute little turkey cookies but instead I decided to throw myself down the stairs and mess up my ankle. I know. Turkey cookies or the emergency room? Is it a tough choice? Apparently it was for me. I […]
My daughter saw these wonderful looking treats in her Fancy Nancy Tea Parties book. (Did I mention we LOVE Fancy Nancy?!) Her books are stupendous (that’s fancy for great!) I did an earlier post from this book as well. Click here to see it. So Ellie saw these and said to me “oh, let’s make […]
To continue our April Fools Day fun food extravaganza, we have a simple but fun one for you today – Peanut Butter Potstickers. They don’t totally look like potstickers, but my kids didn’t care. They loved them. And they were so simple to make. Thanks Party Pinching for this great idea. What you’ll need: * […]
I love Halloween! Have I mentioned that? Yep, love it! And how could I not when this is what decorates my kitchen? Cool, right?! Dirty Q-Tips! Ha! I saw these over on Pinterest too. Along with the Bloody Band-Aid Cookies that we made. It originally came from Katherine Marie Photography. Super simple but the […]
I’ve decided that I’m a little bored with cooking. I make the same basic things for dinners and I’m getting tired of it. Dinner should be fun, right? So that’s our new theme for the summer. Fun food! So we bought a couple of fun kid’s cookbooks. This is the first thing we made – […]
I have decided that April Fools Day is one of my favorite holidays. Sounds a little strange maybe but fun food and me? Yep, we go together like peanut butter and jelly. And April Fools Day screams fun food. So what do you think about our Deviled Eggs? Who doesn’t love deviled eggs, right? Oh […]
Halloween means fun food, right? At least in our house it does. I have to spice it up a little for my kids. So how could I not make these bloody band aide cookies??!! I saw these over on Pinterest (who got them from Katherine Marie Photography.) Do you pin? If not, you are so […]
Did you read the title and think “what the heck?” If you did, you’re not alone. When I first heard of roasting Starburst candies over the campfire I was pretty skeptical. Number one, there’s no chocolate so that usually rules me out. And number two, what the heck? How would that even work??? But when […]
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I have loved the Elf on the Shelf idea since it came out. When I was a child, we had a very similar looking elf that we sat in our Christmas tree each year. I wish we had thought of the Elf on the Shelf idea back then. It would have been so much fun. We’ll be Elfing this year, with our 11 year old granddaughter, whom we are raising. Way fun!