MIRA Digital Bathroom Scale Review

MIRA digital bathroom scaleHow many people own a bathroom scale?  I didn’t for years (when I was much younger.)  I never thought much about weight.  Then the years passed and I got older and it started becoming something I had to pay attention too.  It could be the fact that I love to bake and cook and, oh yeah, eat!  But I’m going to blame it on my age.  The older I get, the harder it is to stay on track.

So a couple of times a week I stand on the bathroom scale to see if I need to forgo the dessert that day or if I’m still okay.  The problem was that I wanted to weigh myself in the morning (because it’s not as shocking when I see the numbers) but the scale I had was a pain.  It was one of the scales that said “gently bump the top to turn it on”.  Seriously!  I had to practically pound on it which would make a big, loud crash noise.  Not the noise I wanted to hear in the morning (and while my kids were still asleep.)

Then I found the MIRA Digital Bathroom Scale and I quickly threw the old scale away.   From the manufacturer:
The MIRA BS775 digital bathroom scale’s ultra-sleek design is as stylish as it is accurate; blending beautifully with any decor. So much more than just a beautiful scale-it is also a high-tech workhorse-designed with state of the art sensors detecting the exact moment you step on the scale. No tapping required to start your weighing session! Steel plated handle makes it easy to move from location to location.

I love my new scale.  It’s so thin!  See?

MIRA digital bathroom scale

It’s a larger scale then my previous one, which I love, but weighs about half what the old one did.  You don’t have to struggle with cramming your feet on a tiny surface so it will accommodate larger people (with larger feet) and you won’t feel like you’re going to fall off while trying to weigh yourself.  It’s perfect!  It has a large 3 inch LCD display and weighs accurately up to .2 pounds.

MIRA digital bathroom scale

My kids love to weigh themselves to see if they are getting bigger.  It’s a hoot!

MIRA digital bathroom scale

If you’d like to hear more from MIRA Brands and see what other amazing products they have, you can find them on Facebook HERE.

Disclaimer:  Although Making Memories With Your Kids received this product free of charge to review, the opinions in this post are mine.

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