Some Love From Disney’s Family Fun Magazine

It’s really no secret that we love Disney’s Family Fun Magazine. You’ve heard of it, right? Of course you have. Well, a couple of months ago they contacted me and asked if they could include a picture of Ellie and a little blurb about our Carrot Patch Cookies that we made (from their magazine.) And look at that!

This is from the August edition and there she is. She now thinks she’s famous. (Of course I agree with her.)

If you haven’t heard of Family Fun Magazine (gasp) here are a few of the amazing things they have in their magazines that we have made.

Our Carrot Patch Cookies

Dye-ving Dudes

Fakin’ and Eggs

Candy Valentine iPods


Pocket Purse

How could we not love this magazine, right? And if you’re not interested in buying the magazine, their website has tons of great craft ideas and recipes. So fun!

So thank you to Family Fun Magazine for sending some love our way. My daughter can’t wait for school to start so she can bring the magazine in for show and tell!

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  1. How fun is that! Of COURSE she’s famous! We love Family Fun!

  2. I saw her when we got our issue last month! How incredibly cool!!

  3. That is so cool!!!!

  4. Hi Erin!

    When my son was young, I subscribed to Family Fun Magazine. I LOVED IT!

    Congratulations, Ellie!

  5. Aw, congratulations – that’s one of my very favorite magazines! We’ve made hundreds of things from it over the years.

  6. I just subscribed! Thank you for sharing!

  7. WOW! That is so cool! I am going to clip it out of my magazine! Congratulations!!

  8. So is she having you bow to her yet? =) OH WHAT FUN!!! Very exciting stuff for a kid…and a mom too.

  9. OMG, she IS famous! Congrats to your daughter. How fun to be in a popular magazine. Luv the magazine and all the things you have made out of it. 🙂

  10. Michelle Paige says:

    How exciting is this?! Congrats to your daughter! Thanks for commenting on my blog. Super fun to find another PNW crafter. I live in the Seattle area. –

  11. Congrats Erin! Be4 you know your daughter will be crafting and blogging like you!

  12. Erin – thank you SO much for your kind comment at my blog. I’m truly honored for you to think such good things about me and my time with grandkids. Sa-Weet! You more than make up for anything your kids miss out anywhere else in their life. You are amazing and make such GRANDIOSE memories with your kids. They will be such great parents because of your influence in their young lives. Keep on keepin on! I LOOOOVE your blog & ideas!!!

  13. Hi Erin, Last night I finally had a chance to take a look at my August Family Fun magazine, and when I came to the “mailbox” section, I saw the photo and said to myself, “Hey, I know that little girl!” Well, I feel like I know her anyway:) Very exciting~Ellie’s famous! Have a great week, Erin! Keep up the good work with your blog, and as a fun mom:) XO, Sue

  14. I am so heading to this website! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Oh my gosh…. I am so loving your blog! I followed the link from the SRC and haven’t left yet!

  16. Erin, how exciting and what a great picture of Ellie. See you are getting as popular as Donna of Donna’s Day….you are truly making memories with your kids….great mom.