One of the best things I’ve done with my kids is taking them camping. I was a little afraid the first time we went. It was just me and my two, very young, children. We had so much fun. Now, 5 years later, it’s the highlight of our summer when we go camping. We load […]
Forgive me for reposting old projects but we’re still not baking much around here and these ideas were so much fun. Check them out if you missed them! Octo Dogs and ShellsAn Alien Invasion For DinnerHot Dog CookiesWatermelon BeetleMeatloaf & Mashed Potato CupcakesSloppy Joe Race Cars Have fun with your meal!
Are you looking for a quick and fun Halloween treat to make? Here’s the perfect recipe for you! We made it for a little Halloween party that we had and it was a huge hit! Super easy and totally tasty. Thanks to Eighteen 25 for this post! PrintMonster Munch Ingredients2 cups popped popcorn 1 […]
My Mom called me the other day and asked if I would bring a fruit tray to the family gathering we were having. To me, this was an open invitation for some fruit creativity. I mean, I could have just sliced up some fruit and plopped it on a plate. But really??? That’s not how […]
I’m not even sure I can type this post. I’m laughing too hard. ‘Cause seriously… this meal cracked me up. But even more hysterical than these totally adorable weenie men (that I found over on Casa de Luna) is the conversation that I had with my son. Are you ready for this??? My son: […]
I can’t believe it’s October 10th and this is only our first Halloween post. Eeeee gads! I’m behind! I need to get my behind in gear and Halloween it up. So, to kick off one of the greatest Holidays known to man…. here are our Sugar Wafer Monsters. If you haven’t checked out Sugar Swings! […]
I’ve decided I love my food markers. I mean seriously. Who ever came up with that idea is a genius. Because we’re having so much fun with them. Who wouldn’t love a cup of this hot chocolate in the morning?! My kids thought it was great. They thought I bought the marshmallows like this. […]
What do you think of Twinkies? I think people either love them or hate them. I love them. I’m not sure why. If I think about it too long I start to question my love of spongy yellow cake and frosting. So I don’t think about it for too long =o) For awhile, years ago, […]
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