I pinned this recipe quite some time ago and put it into my “Fun Food Ideas” board. I mean, seriously, of course I was going to make it. They are adorable! And with the movie Turbo coming out, I figured it was the perfect time to surprise my kids. My son wants to see Turbo badly. […]
So what do you think? Have we been doing it up, Thanksgiving style? (Maybe not if you’re a grown up. But we don’t really have one of those in our house.) =o) But my kids have loved all the fun treats we’ve made so far. We tried our first Turkey Cookie. Then we sugar-ed it […]
I had all these grand plans to do great things this Easter. Some of them got done but a lot of them are still in my “to do” pile. Crud. At 6am when I was getting ready to pack my kid’s lunch for school I remembered I wanted to pack their lunch a little differently. […]
I’m not even sure I can type this post. I’m laughing too hard. ‘Cause seriously… this meal cracked me up. But even more hysterical than these totally adorable weenie men (that I found over on Casa de Luna) is the conversation that I had with my son. Are you ready for this??? My son: […]
I’ve seen these around blogland for awhile now and wondered if they would be good or just plain weird. My daughter loves corn dogs. So would she love these??? So I hopped on over to My Kitchen Adventures to see what I needed to do. How simple!!! I used a Corn Bread Muffin mix (the […]
I saw this “recipe” in the Family Fun magazine while at the Doctor’s office and thought I’d give it a try. Anything to make dinner time fun, right? My kids LOVED it! And it was easy to make. I took hot dogs and cut them into 4 pieces. Then I took raw spaghetti noodles and […]
To continue our April Fools Day fun food extravaganza, we have a simple but fun one for you today – Peanut Butter Potstickers. They don’t totally look like potstickers, but my kids didn’t care. They loved them. And they were so simple to make. Thanks Party Pinching for this great idea. What you’ll need: * […]
I know today is November 1st and Breast Cancer Awareness month was October but I just had to share this one with you. Plus today is “Wear Pink” day at my school. So, of course I had to bring cookies to help celebrate! And not just any cookies… Mammo-graham cookies. Ha! Get it?! Mammo – […]
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