Happy 4th of July everyone! What are you doing tonight? I’m going to hope I don’t fry my eyebrows while I watch the amazed looks on my kids face as the fireworks go off. They love fireworks. Well, not the loud ones. =o) When I saw these adorable Corn Dog Cookies over on Sue’s blog, […]
My Mom called me the other day and asked if I would bring a fruit tray to the family gathering we were having. To me, this was an open invitation for some fruit creativity. I mean, I could have just sliced up some fruit and plopped it on a plate. But really??? That’s not how […]
I’ve seen these around blogland for awhile now and wondered if they would be good or just plain weird. My daughter loves corn dogs. So would she love these??? So I hopped on over to My Kitchen Adventures to see what I needed to do. How simple!!! I used a Corn Bread Muffin mix (the […]
The aliens are coming! The aliens are coming! I told you that I was going to make dinner time more fun and exciting. How fun is this idea?!?! My kids loved it! This idea came from the cookbook Just For Kids Collection. (If you missed my Octo-Dog post you MUST check it out here!) Here’s […]
We had so much fun making our Turkey Cookies with Nutter Butters that we wanted to make another Thanksgiving cookie. I think this one turned out much cuter than the other Turkey Cookies! I mean seriously, look at these little guys. too cute! I used the candy eyes which are my new favorite thing to […]
I have decided that April Fools Day is one of my favorite holidays. Sounds a little strange maybe but fun food and me? Yep, we go together like peanut butter and jelly. And April Fools Day screams fun food. So what do you think about our Deviled Eggs? Who doesn’t love deviled eggs, right? Oh […]
I had all these grand plans to do great things this Easter. Some of them got done but a lot of them are still in my “to do” pile. Crud. At 6am when I was getting ready to pack my kid’s lunch for school I remembered I wanted to pack their lunch a little differently. […]
I’m always on the search for fun foods to make for me… I mean my kids. Ah heck, who am I foolin’. I’d make these adorable scooter snacks even if I didn’t have kids. They are so cute. And all the ingredients that I love! Adorable, right? I found this in the August 2010 edition […]
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