Happy 4th of July everyone! What are you doing tonight? I’m going to hope I don’t fry my eyebrows while I watch the amazed looks on my kids face as the fireworks go off. They love fireworks. Well, not the loud ones. =o) When I saw these adorable Corn Dog Cookies over on Sue’s blog, […]
Have you ever seen these things? They are egg molds? Egg what??? Egg molds! I saw them awhile ago and have been wanting to get them to try them out and here they are. Pretty cool looking aren’t they? You’re probably wondering why in the world anyone would want these things though, right? Well, I […]
The weather here in Oregon has been really off the past couple of months. It was stinkin’ hot for awhile and then summer kind of disappeared the end of August. I’m not real happy about it. I LOVE the nice weather. Well, let me rephrase that. I love wearing flip flops and shorts. My wardrobe […]
I’m not much of a prankster. It’s not that I don’t think they’re funny. I just don’t do them. Well, not a lot at least =o) So for me, April Fools Day isn’t really a big deal. But it’s like I said in my St. Patrick’s Day post, “now that I’m a Mom I have […]
I’ve seen these around blogland for awhile now and wondered if they would be good or just plain weird. My daughter loves corn dogs. So would she love these??? So I hopped on over to My Kitchen Adventures to see what I needed to do. How simple!!! I used a Corn Bread Muffin mix (the […]
Normally by now I’ve posted a few Thanksgiving fun food recipes. Apparently I’m a little slow this year. I can’t believe this is our first (and only one!) But it is a fun one. How cute are these little guys? I thought my kids would have a great time making these. I bought all the […]
Meatloaf and mashed potatoes are comfort food to me. I love them! My kids love them! And I love that my kids love them! But I wanted to kid it up a little. (We eat meatloaf a lot.) So I made my regular meatloaf. It’s nothing uber fancy. I buy the spice packet at the […]
So what do you think? Have we been doing it up, Thanksgiving style? (Maybe not if you’re a grown up. But we don’t really have one of those in our house.) =o) But my kids have loved all the fun treats we’ve made so far. We tried our first Turkey Cookie. Then we sugar-ed it […]
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