I am totally loving all of the great April Fool’s Day things people have posted the past couple of weeks! I love the pranks but mostly I love the fun food. You didn’t miss our Fakin’ and Eggs I hope! (We’re all about fun food at our house!) So we wanted to pack in two […]
Because, really… isn’t everything better on a stick? Heck yeah! And how cute are these little mummy heads? I just loved them. We gobbled up our Mummy Twinkie Pops (holy smokes, were they good!) And we wanted to do another fun mummy treat this Halloween so we decided on these. Mummy Oreo Suckers Source: How […]
Did you read the title and think “what the heck?” If you did, you’re not alone. When I first heard of roasting Starburst candies over the campfire I was pretty skeptical. Number one, there’s no chocolate so that usually rules me out. And number two, what the heck? How would that even work??? But when […]
Happy 4th of July everyone! What are you doing tonight? I’m going to hope I don’t fry my eyebrows while I watch the amazed looks on my kids face as the fireworks go off. They love fireworks. Well, not the loud ones. =o) When I saw these adorable Corn Dog Cookies over on Sue’s blog, […]
I’m not much of a prankster. It’s not that I don’t think they’re funny. I just don’t do them. Well, not a lot at least =o) So for me, April Fools Day isn’t really a big deal. But it’s like I said in my St. Patrick’s Day post, “now that I’m a Mom I have […]
My Mom called me the other day and asked if I would bring a fruit tray to the family gathering we were having. To me, this was an open invitation for some fruit creativity. I mean, I could have just sliced up some fruit and plopped it on a plate. But really??? That’s not how […]
I pinned this recipe quite some time ago and put it into my “Fun Food Ideas” board. I mean, seriously, of course I was going to make it. They are adorable! And with the movie Turbo coming out, I figured it was the perfect time to surprise my kids. My son wants to see Turbo badly. […]
Tag! I’m it! Yeah! I love to play games. I’m a kid at heart. I’ll admit it. So when Tiffanee over at One Crazy Cookie tagged me, I was thrilled and honored. Thrilled because, like I said, I like to play =o) And honored because I love her blog. She posts the best recipes! What […]
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