Forgive me for reposting old projects but we’re still not baking much around here and these ideas were so much fun. Check them out if you missed them! Octo Dogs and ShellsAn Alien Invasion For DinnerHot Dog CookiesWatermelon BeetleMeatloaf & Mashed Potato CupcakesSloppy Joe Race Cars Have fun with your meal!
Normally when I look at Sue’s blog I sit back and think “Man, why can’t I do that?!” She is amazing and so talented when it comes to baking and decorating the cutest cookies ever. Then I saw this post and thought “holy smokes, I can do that!” I was so excited! I’m always looking […]
My daughter’s pre-school class has been learning Japanese all year. It’s so cool to hear her speak and she is so proud when she comes home and tells me the new words she has learned. At the school’s Spring Fling Bar-B-Que her class sang “Jesus Loves Me” in Japanese! In Japanese!!! She’s 5 years old! […]
We’re taking a little break from all of our holiday desserts to bring you a dinner idea. Crazy, right? Not so much if you know me. I just love making fun foods for my kids and with Easter coming up, I thought these Sloppy Joe Baskets would be fun to serve for dinner. They look […]
I have a confession to make. You know those little recipe books that you always see in the check out stand? They are usually themed – Halloween, Christmas, cookies, crockpot recipes. You know the ones. I am addicted to them. Yep, I said it out loud. I love them. I love looking through them and […]
I was feeling pretty guilty about my lack of party creativity for my daughter. The necklaces were pretty cute and I knew the girls would think they were fun but I was feeling bad for the boys. Plus I have this whole over-acheiver thing that I deal with. I have a hard time settling for […]
We made cookies like this years ago and I remember my kids loved it. It’s like playing with play doh but the end result isn’t cleaning everything up and putting it away. The end result here is eating them! What kid (or adult) wouldn’t be pleased with that outcome? The kids had so much fun […]
The other day my son said to me “Mom, we should have every Saturday dinner a fun dinner. You know, like the Aliens and race cars that we had.” Bless him. I love that they want to help me in the kitchen and eat fun things. So we decided to make something similar to our […]
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