Peppermint Chip Brownies

Peppermint Chip Brownies

I can hardly believe the holidays are so close.  I’m so excited!  Christmas time is my absolute favorite time of year.  I love everything about Christmas time, from the lights, decorations and food to the joy and peace this season represents and means to me. Thank you to Inside BruCrew Life for this recipe!  Jocelyn […]

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Biscoff No Bake Cookies

biscoff no bake cookies

This has been a crazy month!  It seems like Halloween came and then we got slammed with too much to do for my liking.  So here it is, Secret Recipe Club day and I’m late.  LATE!  I’m never late.  Ugh!  But somehow I messed up my foot over the weekend so I’ve been trying to […]

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Christmas Lunch Box Jokes {Free Printable}

christmas lunch box notes jokes

Is it too early to start thinking about Christmas?  I hope not.  I have Christmas cheer already running through my blood!    And since we’re on a lunch box joke roll, here’s one for December.   Just right click on the image and save to your computer.  Print out on cardstock and you’re set. Did you […]

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Deep Fried Macaroni and Cheese

deep fried macaroni and cheese

Fall weather has set in here in Oregon, which means I’m ready for some comfort food.  You know, casseroles, stews, soups and anything with cheese.  It makes me feel good just thinking about it.  Am I right?  And what better way to enjoy the ooey gooey deliciousness of cheese than deep fried?! You can use […]

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“50 Blows” Birthday Gift Idea

50 blows birthday gift idea

When I heard that one of my co-workers 50 birthday was quickly approaching, I knew I wanted to do something for her.  Nothing big since we aren’t really friends, but something to acknowledge the big day.   This was perfect.  Simple but fun (and I love that combination!) I always save leftover plastic containers from things […]

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Homemade Beef Jerky

homemade beef jerky

We are huge beef jerky fans in my house.  My daughter loves it!  But I hate spending a fortune for it and her eating the entire bag in one sitting.  I’m glad that she chose beef jerky over candy, but man, it’s an expensive snack.  Am I right? I remember growing up and my Dad […]

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Thanksgiving Lunch Box Jokes {Printable}

Thanksgiving lunch box notes jokes

I’m on a lunch box notes/jokes roll.  Once I figured out how to make them (yeah for me), now I can’t stop.  So here are some Thanksgiving ones for you. If you would like to download them, go HERE and you can download them for free.  Yep, from me to you.  Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy!   […]

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Pampered Chef: Do You Have a Wish List?

Pampered Chef Deep Covered Baker

I absolutely love Pampered Chef.  So much so that I’m thinking about becoming a consultant.  It’s that good!  I use it everyday in my kitchen and I can’t say enough good things about it. If you haven’t heard of Pampered Chef or if you want to look at their new line of products (and their […]

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Mammo-grahams for Breast Cancer Awareness

mammo grahams

I know today is November 1st and Breast Cancer Awareness month was October but I just had to share this one with you.  Plus today is “Wear Pink” day at my school.  So, of course I had to bring cookies to help celebrate!  And not just any cookies… Mammo-graham cookies.  Ha!  Get it?!  Mammo – […]

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Mummy Pretzels

mummy pretzels for halloween

Our last Halloween post for the season (sniff, sniff) is a simple but fun one – Mummy Pretzels!  Cute, right?!?!  We found two different versions on the internet, here and here – both adorable. The girls loved making them.  I’m pretty sure they ate about 20 eyes a piece before I realized where they all went. […]

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