Steam Machine Review & Giveaway

STEAM MACHINE GIVEAWAYBrought to you by: Making Memories With Your Kids I never knew how much my life could benefit from a Steam Machine until I met the Steam Machine Multi Purpose Power Steamer.We’ve lived in my house for 8 years now and I am constantly amazed at how dirty the floors can get!  It’s […]

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Pamper Yourself With A Tree Hut Giveaway

This is an awesome lotion that contains certified organic olive oil and certified organic shea butter. This product is truly extra rich and offers some amazing moisturizer. Review courtesy of So Cal Coupon Mommy I love that these lotions are a GREAT size, this is a large (yet nice size) 20oz bottle. One thing that […]

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Cinnamon Roll Donuts

CInnamon Roll Donuts

My kids have some friends that come over almost every weekend and stay the night.  They are sweet kids and we love having them around.  When all the kids wake up, the first thing one of the girls asks is “what are you going to make us for breakfast?” The other day they were over […]

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Blogger’s Wanted: Tip Junkie’s Super Grad Giveaway Event

Tip Hero’s Super Grad Giveaway Event Sign-ups are now open for this great new giveaway event! Event is free to join with an announcement post. If you don’t wish to post the announcement, please send the $5 non-post fee to You’ll receive 1 free link for participating (either Twitter or Pinterest) Additional links (RSS/Email, […]

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Mustache Cookie Cutter Set Review and Giveaway

  If you’ve done any searching of the web the past year or so you know how popular mustache paraphernalia is.  There is mustache glasses, jewelry, tattoos, drinking glasses and so much more.  When I saw these adorable mustache cookie cutters I fell in love.  How cute are they!  I have a co-worker that will […]

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Oreo Cookie Pound Cake

Oreo Cookie Pound Cake

Pound cake + Oreos?  Oh man.  Pure heaven!  And here’s the icing on the cake… it’s a Paula Dean recipe!  That made it a no brainer for us.  We knew it was going to be amazing! Here is Oregon students have to take the OAKS state assessment tests in certain content areas.  My son exceeded […]

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Cinnamon Chip Coffee Cake

Cinnamon Chip Coffee Cake

What are your thoughts on birthdays?  Not everyone else’s, but your own.  Do you love them?  Do you hate them?  Do you celebrate alone, with family and friends or do you just want to forget they exist? I love my birthday.  Love, love, love my birthday!  I love that there’s one day out of each […]

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Zucchini Parmesan Crisps

zucchini parmesan crisps

It’s Secret Recipe Club reveal day!  I love this day.  I love looking through all the amazing pictures and trying to guess who had my blog for the month.  I also love trying out new recipes to share with you all.  (Okay, to share with me, but I didn’t want to sound selfish.) This month […]

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Massdrop Keurig Giveaway Event

  MAKING MEMORIES WITH YOUR KIDS Welcomes You to the Massdrop Giveaway Event Are you a coffee drinker? I’m not a coffee drinker but I own a Keurig and I LOVE IT!!!!  It’s so easy to make hot chocolate, hot spiced cider and Chai Tea.  I drink Chai Tea every morning.  So easy!  And I […]

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Chicken and Broccoli Pockets

chicken and broccoli pockets

  I just love these Chicken and Broccoli Pockets and have been making them for years.  I’m not sure where I first found the recipe.  Probably in one of those Pillsbury cookbooks that you find in the checkout aisle.  (I love those little cookbooks!)  I’ve lost the actual recipe and just whip these up without […]

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