Here is an easy and fun treat for the kids. They didn’t turn out as cool as I had hoped. I think it was because there was so many bubbles in our 7 Up. But the kids didn’t seem to mind. PrintGummy Bear Popsicles Ingredients7 Up Gummy BearsInstructionsLet your 7 Up sit out for […]
Tag! I’m it! Yeah! I love to play games. I’m a kid at heart. I’ll admit it. So when Tiffanee over at One Crazy Cookie tagged me, I was thrilled and honored. Thrilled because, like I said, I like to play =o) And honored because I love her blog. She posts the best recipes! What […]
To continue our April Fools Day fun food extravaganza, we have a simple but fun one for you today – Peanut Butter Potstickers. They don’t totally look like potstickers, but my kids didn’t care. They loved them. And they were so simple to make. Thanks Party Pinching for this great idea. What you’ll need: * […]
This may not look like much but let me tell you… it is delicious! My kids and I love root beer floats and have seen a lot of homemade popsicles out there that claim to be rootbeer floats, but they are imposters. Thanks to Almost Unschoolers for this amazing find because here is a real […]
I remember making this years and years ago for a friend’s children. It was pretty cool (I thought) so my kids and I thought we would make it again for some friends. It’s super easy and it’s fun to do! What you will need: * any kind of clear bowl. We used a fish bowl […]
I was feeling pretty guilty about my lack of party creativity for my daughter. The necklaces were pretty cute and I knew the girls would think they were fun but I was feeling bad for the boys. Plus I have this whole over-acheiver thing that I deal with. I have a hard time settling for […]
Because, really… isn’t everything better on a stick? Heck yeah! And how cute are these little mummy heads? I just loved them. We gobbled up our Mummy Twinkie Pops (holy smokes, were they good!) And we wanted to do another fun mummy treat this Halloween so we decided on these. Mummy Oreo Suckers Source: How […]
I can’t believe it’s October 10th and this is only our first Halloween post. Eeeee gads! I’m behind! I need to get my behind in gear and Halloween it up. So, to kick off one of the greatest Holidays known to man…. here are our Sugar Wafer Monsters. If you haven’t checked out Sugar Swings! […]
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