My kids and I watch a craft show every Saturday morning called Donna’s Day. Have you heard of it? It’s fantastic. She does crafts and recips and all sorts of great things for you to do with your kids. Some of them are awesome. Some of them are for the more Martha Stewart Mom’s out […]
I’m totally having fun with this whole fun food for dinner Saturday night. I love seeing my kid’s faces when I put their plate on the table. I love hearing “no way. Great job, Mom.” It makes my entire day! And how could I not make this for Halloween?!?! I’m not sure where I saw […]
I’ve decided that I’m a little bored with cooking. I make the same basic things for dinners and I’m getting tired of it. Dinner should be fun, right? So that’s our new theme for the summer. Fun food! So we bought a couple of fun kid’s cookbooks. This is the first thing we made – […]
I know today is November 1st and Breast Cancer Awareness month was October but I just had to share this one with you. Plus today is “Wear Pink” day at my school. So, of course I had to bring cookies to help celebrate! And not just any cookies… Mammo-graham cookies. Ha! Get it?! Mammo – […]
Have you ever seen these things? They are egg molds? Egg what??? Egg molds! I saw them awhile ago and have been wanting to get them to try them out and here they are. Pretty cool looking aren’t they? You’re probably wondering why in the world anyone would want these things though, right? Well, I […]
Here is an easy and fun treat for the kids. They didn’t turn out as cool as I had hoped. I think it was because there was so many bubbles in our 7 Up. But the kids didn’t seem to mind. PrintGummy Bear Popsicles Ingredients7 Up Gummy BearsInstructionsLet your 7 Up sit out for […]
Magic banana? Yep, magic banana. Well, magic banana trick maybe. I guess the banana itself isn’t magic. Or maybe it is. Either way, your kids will think you are magic! Are you ready??? Your going to give your kids bananas and say “abracadabra” and then poof – their banana will be already sliced inside the […]
So what do you think? Have we been doing it up, Thanksgiving style? (Maybe not if you’re a grown up. But we don’t really have one of those in our house.) =o) But my kids have loved all the fun treats we’ve made so far. We tried our first Turkey Cookie. Then we sugar-ed it […]
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