Tag! I’m it! Yeah! I love to play games. I’m a kid at heart. I’ll admit it. So when Tiffanee over at One Crazy Cookie tagged me, I was thrilled and honored. Thrilled because, like I said, I like to play =o) And honored because I love her blog. She posts the best recipes! What […]
For Halloween do you do silly fun or gory? We always do silly fun but I do like a little bit of the gross. So when I saw these cupcakes over on Pinterest (my new love) from Cakehead Loves Evil I knew we had to make them. Totally cool, right?!?! We made stained glass candy […]
I’m totally having fun with this whole fun food for dinner Saturday night. I love seeing my kid’s faces when I put their plate on the table. I love hearing “no way. Great job, Mom.” It makes my entire day! And how could I not make this for Halloween?!?! I’m not sure where I saw […]
I remember making this years and years ago for a friend’s children. It was pretty cool (I thought) so my kids and I thought we would make it again for some friends. It’s super easy and it’s fun to do! What you will need: * any kind of clear bowl. We used a fish bowl […]
I can’t believe it’s the middle of October and I haven’t even posted a Halloween recipe or crafts yet. Ugh. Life is a little overwhelming right now but I’ve decided to kick it into gear and get my Halloween on. So the first Halloween recipe for this year is for Candy Corn Cookies. Aren’t they […]
Do your kids watch iCarly on Nickelodeon? My kids love it. One of the things that Spencer (one of the characters) makes is spaghetti tacos. My kids have been asking me to make them for some time but I just never did. They didn’t sound all that appetizing to me. Spaghetti in a taco shell? […]
I’m beginning to get a little tired of the rain around here. It’s May for heaven’s sake and it’s pouring outside. I want summer! I want to be able to open up my windows and smell the fresh air. I want to wear sandals and capris and not feel like I’m frozen. I want to […]
Did you read the title and think “what the heck?” If you did, you’re not alone. When I first heard of roasting Starburst candies over the campfire I was pretty skeptical. Number one, there’s no chocolate so that usually rules me out. And number two, what the heck? How would that even work??? But when […]
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