Have you ever seen these things? They are egg molds? Egg what??? Egg molds! I saw them awhile ago and have been wanting to get them to try them out and here they are. Pretty cool looking aren’t they? You’re probably wondering why in the world anyone would want these things though, right? Well, I […]
Halloween means fun food, right? At least in our house it does. I have to spice it up a little for my kids. So how could I not make these bloody band aide cookies??!! I saw these over on Pinterest (who got them from Katherine Marie Photography.) Do you pin? If not, you are so […]
My Mom called me the other day and asked if I would bring a fruit tray to the family gathering we were having. To me, this was an open invitation for some fruit creativity. I mean, I could have just sliced up some fruit and plopped it on a plate. But really??? That’s not how […]
In keeping with our fun food theme we made these cute sloppy Joe cars. What do you think? (You didn’t miss our other fun food posts, did you? Octodogs and Shells, Aliens for dinner and our Squiddlers.) These were simple to make and will be a big hit with the kids. You will need: * […]
I haven’t done a single thing for the 4th of July =o( Where have I been??? We typically don’t do much for the 4th, though. It’s always been one of those holidays where I’m frustrated because of all the loud noises that keep waking my kids up! Does that make me grouchy? =o( But a […]
To continue our April Fools Day fun food extravaganza, we have a simple but fun one for you today – Peanut Butter Potstickers. They don’t totally look like potstickers, but my kids didn’t care. They loved them. And they were so simple to make. Thanks Party Pinching for this great idea. What you’ll need: * […]
I have a confession to make. You know those little recipe books that you always see in the check out stand? They are usually themed – Halloween, Christmas, cookies, crockpot recipes. You know the ones. I am addicted to them. Yep, I said it out loud. I love them. I love looking through them and […]
The aliens are coming! The aliens are coming! I told you that I was going to make dinner time more fun and exciting. How fun is this idea?!?! My kids loved it! This idea came from the cookbook Just For Kids Collection. (If you missed my Octo-Dog post you MUST check it out here!) Here’s […]
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