I’ve decided I love my food markers. I mean seriously. Who ever came up with that idea is a genius. Because we’re having so much fun with them. Who wouldn’t love a cup of this hot chocolate in the morning?! My kids thought it was great. They thought I bought the marshmallows like this. […]
It’s no secret that I love fun food. I love making it. I love serving it to my kids. It makes me smile. So this was right up my alley. And it’s kind of Halloween-y, right? Kind of? This recipe came out of the cookbook Simple 1-2-3 Cooking for Kids. Ingredients: * Jumbo past shells […]
Meatloaf and mashed potatoes are comfort food to me. I love them! My kids love them! And I love that my kids love them! But I wanted to kid it up a little. (We eat meatloaf a lot.) So I made my regular meatloaf. It’s nothing uber fancy. I buy the spice packet at the […]
I have a confession to make. You know those little recipe books that you always see in the check out stand? They are usually themed – Halloween, Christmas, cookies, crockpot recipes. You know the ones. I am addicted to them. Yep, I said it out loud. I love them. I love looking through them and […]
Do your kids watch iCarly on Nickelodeon? My kids love it. One of the things that Spencer (one of the characters) makes is spaghetti tacos. My kids have been asking me to make them for some time but I just never did. They didn’t sound all that appetizing to me. Spaghetti in a taco shell? […]
I’ve decided that I’m a little bored with cooking. I make the same basic things for dinners and I’m getting tired of it. Dinner should be fun, right? So that’s our new theme for the summer. Fun food! So we bought a couple of fun kid’s cookbooks. This is the first thing we made – […]
I remember making this years and years ago for a friend’s children. It was pretty cool (I thought) so my kids and I thought we would make it again for some friends. It’s super easy and it’s fun to do! What you will need: * any kind of clear bowl. We used a fish bowl […]
I can’t believe it’s the middle of October and I haven’t even posted a Halloween recipe or crafts yet. Ugh. Life is a little overwhelming right now but I’ve decided to kick it into gear and get my Halloween on. So the first Halloween recipe for this year is for Candy Corn Cookies. Aren’t they […]
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