{Wordless Wednesday} Why I like Living In a Small Town

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  1. I love hearing the tune the truck plays as it drives through the neighborhood. Reminds me of my own childhood.

  2. oh I hate our ice cream trucks in our area, that is it I am moving next door to you!

  3. Fun! I’m with Sue!

    My sister’s neighbor used to tell her kids that when the ice cream truck played its music, that meant that it was out of ice cream. Funny, but *SO* wrong…

  4. oh you are so lucky! We do not have an ice cream truck here in DL. We have one every couple of years but they never seem to do very good and end up closing. Our town is so super strict on the rules for business. I remember a few years ago an ince cream truck opened up and they city council was constantly on them and fining them for all sorts of stuff they moved on. Our city council is loaded with business owners and they ALL have personal agendas, it’s sick!

    Ok, sorry, I’ll step off my soap box, sorry!

    Miranda Sherman

  5. I’m with Sue, too!

    Our ice cream trucks here are coolers strapped to the back of jeeps. It’s not quite the same!

  6. Our ice cream truck has visited here too already 🙂

    our girls love it and it reminds me of when I was a child <3

  7. Aww..I remember the ice cream man coming to my grandmother’s house when I was young. I live in a small town and WE don’t have an ice cream man. 🙁

  8. Hey! This reminds me that I haven’t seen or heard our ice cream truck come by recently!

  9. My children love when the ice cream man makes his way around. Although, he generally comes right before or during dinner.
    But we make an exception since it’s the summer, sometimes…

  10. My daughter can hear that ice cream truck a mile away! Great photos!!

  11. I have a love/hate relationship with our ice cream truck at the moment. But it is always nice to see them make kids smile like that. What a cool truck and what cute kiddos 🙂

  12. The last time I saw an ice cream truck was when we were in the beach in February. I wish we had one come through our neighborhood. 🙂


  13. oh my gosh! so cute! we have ice cream trucks in Manhattan, but they’re definitely not quaint and cute like this!

  14. how i miss hearing the ice cream truck! this is great – thanks for hsaring and thanks for linking up at my WW post! http://madebyrenee.blogspot.com/2012/06/wordless-wednesday-0627-breakfast.html

  15. The ice cream truck always came around when I was little. However, I haven’t seen him yet this year. Maybe because our neighborhood is getting older.

    Thanks for the great pictures and memories! 🙂